"1932" 共找到影视: 1041 部
OutofSingapore 7


繁荣时代 3


  In 1925, John becomes President of the prosperous Warren Bank when Maggie retires. Six years later, John, Helen and the two children are happy in their home, but the two mother-in-laws are still bickering. When Lizzy inadvertently starts a run on the bank, it closes when Maggie learns that John has done what she had told him never to do - used the bank bonds for a get rich quic...

圣保利大搜捕 6


  A social drama plays out in the harbor area of Hamburg: Ballhaus-Else, a prostitute, lives together with her boyfriend Leo, a peaceful bar musician, in St. Pauli. One day, Matrosen-Karl, a thief on the run, finds a hideout at Else's. She is fascinated by the man, who promises her a more exciting and better life. Together they want to leave Hamburg. Leo – who feels inferior to K...

Rasputin,DmonderFrauen 8


  This version of the notorious Russian monk/charlatan's life, presents Rasputin, not as an evil manipulator of the czar's family, but as more of a victim. The story begins in a tiny village where he miraculously healed peasants. He is then taken to court to treat the czarina's hemophiliac son, but because Rasputin was a wild drunk and womanizer, he is sent back to his home. When...

卡尔弗的汤姆·布朗 4



雷鸣之下 7


薇薇恩·瓦尔的审判 2


  Incredibly fast-moving courtroom yarn in which Bennett is defended by ex-beau Cook when she's accused of killing her faithless fiance, while the trial is broadcast live on the radio.

隐藏的贵族 9


  John Walden, left home 20 years earlier and has been "passing" as white in a town where no one knew of his background. He returns home to take his now grown sister back with him so she too can live a life as a white woman. He even goes so far as to find her a suitable white man to marry. Unfortunately, she can not get over the young black man she left back home.

UptownNewYork 6


华府秘史 1


  US senator (Lionel Barrymore) falls in love with a young woman (Karen Morley), without realizing she's using him to back the lobbyist she works for.

WhenaFellerNeedsaFriend 9


  Eddie wears a leg brace and his mother will not let him play like the other boys. His hope is that a German doctor will be able to operate and fix his leg. When his cousin Froggie comes to live with his family, he is nice to Mr. and Mrs. Randall, but mean to Eddie. Uncle Jonas sees what is happening, but Eddie's parents do not believe him as Froggie seems so nice. Uncle Jonas t...

WashingtonMerry-Go-Round 10


  Button Gwinett Brown is a freshman congressman on a mission to rid Washington of corruption. He quickly runs afoul of the powerful Senator Norton, while falling for the granddaughter of the kindly senator Wylie. He then teams up with some members of the Bonus Army to foil the villains' plans.

巴黎沉睡时 4


赌城艳女 2


  A ship's captain loses course in perilous waters when he discovers his wife cheating on him.