"战争" 共找到影视: 9417 部
战地侦探第一季 4


  • 最新更新
  • 2003  

  Native American eyewitness accounts tell a new story of the Battle of Little Bighorn: of chaos and panic, no gallant last stand by Custer. Using the methods of crime scene investigation, forensic scientists are uncovering evidence of what really happened.

海上的胜利 6


  • 已更新至26集
  • 1952  

  01 战争的酝酿
  02 太平洋的和平结束
  03 美国参战
  04 中途岛之役
  05 地中海皇家舰队
  06 瓜达坎纳之役
  07 巩因拉布尔港外缘环形防线
  01 地中海战场
  02 海战和沙漠战场
  03 南大西洋
  04 北极地区
  05 密克罗尼西亚之征服
  06 美拉尼西亚的恶梦
  01 罗马的再生
  02 最长的一日(诺曼底登陆)
  03 杀手牺牲者
  04 关岛之役—势如破竹
  05 海中的岛
  06 雷伊泰湾之役
  07 盟军反攻
  01 美国的潜艇发展
  02 欧洲的命运
  03 攻占波岛
  04 通...

WarintheAir 7


  • 已更新至15集
  • 1954  

  WAR IN THE AIR was broadcast to huge critical and public acclaim. For decades, it was considered essential viewing for every new RAF recruit. However, it has never been repeated on BBC Television.

二十世纪战场 4


  • 已更新至8集
  • 2007  

  The father-and-son team tell the stories of the most important battlefields of the last century
  8 episodes

不为人知的战争 6


  • 已更新至20集
  • 1978  


Hitler'sCountdowntoWarSeason1 6


  • 已更新至3集
  • 2021  

  What historical events led Hitler to declare war and why In this history series, we take an intriguing look at the countdown to World War 2 through the eyes of Adolf Hitler himself. The countdown started on 12th March 1938, when Hitler and his Nazi troops crossed the German border and invaded Austria and ended on the 3rd of September 1939, when both Britain and France declared...

纳粹的崛起第三季 10


  • 已更新至3集
  • 2022  

  The Nazis are losing the war. As his regime crumbles, the once indomitable Fuhrer hides in a bunker while those around him plot their escape. After suffering huge losses in battle and surviving an assassination attempt, Hitler can only drive Germany further into the abyss. Tired and defeated, he clings desperately to power, surrounded by those who appear fiercely loyal but in r...

纳粹的崛起第二季 10


  • 已更新至3集
  • 2022  

  **Rise of the Nazis: Dictators at War** is a powerful and resonant three-part series that looks at the story of what many see as the defining conflict of the Second World War – the Eastern Front.
  Episode 1 | Double Cross (BBC) / Barbarossa (PBS)
  1/3 At the peak of his power, Hitler now faces fellow ruthless dictator Stalin.
  Episode 2 | Final Showdown (BBC) / Stalingrad (PBS)

ThirtiesinColour:CountdowntoWarSeason1 10


  • 已更新至3集
  • 2021  

  This three-part series takes black-and-white films from the era and colourizes the footage, bringing the past vividly back to life. The films offer a remarkable window on one of the most turbulent decades in history and capture a world determined to remain stable in the face of economic and political chaos across Europe. Social historians and people with direct connections to t...

LivingwithHitlerSeason1 1


  • 已更新至3集
  • 2021  

  A three-part series that explores how the German population – and those in occupied territories – lived through the Nazi era from 1933 to 1945. The regime which Hitler established during his time in power made a more damaging, enduring and controversial mark on Germany and the world than any other.
  Narrator: Liam James
  S1 E1 - Our Last Hope
  S1 E2 - The People's Community
  S1 E3 ...

二战:人间地狱第一季 7


  • 已更新至8集
  • 2022  

  影片讲述了第二次世界大战的故事,1937年日本入侵中国,欧洲战争于1939年加入,1941年随着珍珠港事件和日本的全面进攻成为全球性的战争。 这部剧的八集是按照时间顺序向前推进的。第一集以丘吉尔的话结束——“法国战役结束了”。第二集讲述了德国对苏联的入侵,第三集讲述了珍珠港,第四集讲述了1942年的转折点,第五集讲述了斯大林格勒,第六集讲述了第二前线,第七集讲述了欧洲战争的结束,最后是战争结束后的余波。
  第1集 战火四起(We Are at War)
  第2集 坚持到底(We Shall Go On)
  第3集 恶名昭彰(Infamy)
  第4集 伟大的成功之梦(A Dream of Great Success)
  第5集 义无反顾(I Shall Never Look Back)
  第6集 鼠战(Rattenkrieg)
  第7集 生者的耻辱(The Sham...

FightingtheBlueSeason1 8


  • 已更新至4集
  • 2005  

  'Fighting the Blue' is a social history documentary series featuring stories of human interest during 1940, exploring the courage and resilience of the human spirit during the Battle of Britain era. The program features stories from people who were there and helped save Britain from the onslaught of the German Air Force.
  The interviews are illustrated by re-enacted lm footage ...

历史重现:珍珠港事件 7


  • 已更新至1集
  • 2016  


TuskegeeAirmen:LegacyofCourage 9


  • 最新更新
  • 2021  

  In this one hour special, Robin Roberts explores the legacy of the Tuskegee Airmen, the legendary group of African American pilots—including her father—that served in WWII, revealing how these warriors for change helped end segregation in the military and pave the way for the civil rights movement.