"纪录片" 共找到影视: 55791 部
骗术真相第二季 2


  • 已更新至10集
  • 2006  

  Factual entertainment series about scams and cons. Confidence trickster Alexis Conran, scam artist Paul Wilson and sexy swindler Jessica Clement carry out notorious scams on unsuspecting members of the public, filmed with hidden cameras and intercut with actual interviews from fraud protection experts, police and scam victims.
  Scams include the fake warehouse employees who grab...

SexDrugsandRock'n'Roll:The60sRevea 10


  • 已更新至3集
  • 2008  

  Forty years ago, broadcasting legend Bernard Braden recorded more than 350 interviews with the most iconic and recognised faces of the 1960s from the worlds of show business, film, politics and sport. Viewers will have unique access to the extraordinary, revealing portraits of iconic 60s names, such as Cilla Black, Robert Maxwell, Lulu, Enoch Powell, Quentin Crisp and Sean Conn...

猎人猎物第一季 10


  • 已更新至9集
  • 2005  


我爱你,中国 1


  • 已更新至16集
  • 2009  


西班牙的记忆 9


  • 已更新至27集
  • 2004  


香港十年 1


  • 已更新至8集
  • 2007  

  《香港十年》是央视继1997年播出见证香港百年历史的12集大型电视纪录片《香港沧桑》10年后,再一次系统全面地呈现香港回归最新影像。摄制组主创均为大型纪录片《再说长江》摄制组原班人马。自去年11月开拍,摄制组遍及港岛、九龙、新界,飞越香港1104平方公里土地,首次采用高清晰度数字电视设备记录香港十年巨变,对香港全境进行大规模航空拍摄。大到一万米高空俯瞰的港岛全貌,小到近在咫尺的兰桂坊酒杯细腻的特写和人物迷离的眼神。摄制组深入采访香港各层面、各界别,100位见证十年香港发展史的 “普通人”走进镜头,60位参与“一国两制”成功实践的高官和著名人士接受专访,在片中“草根”和“政要”共同见证回归十年港人心路历程。

徐悲鸿立誓 5


  • 已更新至8集
  • 1998  


巅峰拍档第二季 1


  • 已更新至10集
  • 2003  

巅峰拍档第七季 9


  • 已更新至7集
  • 2005  

勇士的碰撞 5


  • 已更新至25集
  • 2000  

  Every major war of the 20th Century has produced heroes of the hour - men who rose above the mediocrity to lead their fellow soldiers to victory, or sometimes defeat. In Clash of Warriors, we examine the backgrounds and personalities of the finest commanders of that century. Each episode takes two of the world's greatest combatants as they face their ultimate tests against each...

颐和园(纪录片) 3


  • 已更新至6集
  • 2010  

  (此条目为CCTV摄制的6集纪录片 ,非同名文艺爱情影片,标记时请区分留意,非常感谢!- 豆瓣电影团队)

今古发明 3


  • 已更新至3集
  • 1998  

  Ancient Inventions was a BBC historical documentary series released in 1998. It was presented by ex-Monty Python member Terry Jones and looked at great inventions of the ancient world. The series is split into 3 episodes, namely City Life, Sex and Love, and War and Conflicts, all around 50 min long.

文明的纽带:人类科技史话Ⅱ 6


  • 已更新至20集

  Sequel series to the 1979 "Connections" where historian James Burke walks the viewer through the tenuous threads of history that link seemingly obscure scientific breakthroughs and the events and products that we have today. For example, why the winner of the Le Mans owes his victory to photography or what do police detectives, billiard balls, clear glass and Darwin have to do ...

Madventures 8


  • 已更新至24集
  • 2002  


战地侦探第一季 4


  • 最新更新
  • 2003  

  Native American eyewitness accounts tell a new story of the Battle of Little Bighorn: of chaos and panic, no gallant last stand by Custer. Using the methods of crime scene investigation, forensic scientists are uncovering evidence of what really happened.