"纪录片" 共找到影视: 55791 部
Lesdétectivesduciel 1


  • 最新更新
  • 2022  

  From the crash of Air France flight 447 between Rio and Paris into the Atlantic in 2009, to the Germanwings flight 9525 crash in the Alps in 2015, the French investigators of the BEA (Bureau of Enquiry and Analysis for Civil Aviation Safety) are called upon worldwide to determine the causes of air accidents. Line planes, helicopters, ultra-lights: BEA is investigating everythin...

TheFuturewithHannahFrySeason1 8


  • 已更新至6集
  • 2023  

  Mathematician and author Professor Hannah Fry explores the science, technology, and people on the cusp of the most transformative breakthroughs of our age.
  From AI that could smash societal barriers for millions of people with disabilities, to biological discoveries that could stop ageing in its tracks. In each episode Hannah hunts for the latest technological advances that wil...

敦煌师父第二季 1


  • 已更新至6集
  • 2023  


恶魔崛起前的信号 1


  • 已更新至1集
  • 2022  

  通过在德国的国际新闻记者的观点和文字,这部纪录片讲述了1930年至1933年期间国家社会党作为第一支政治力量的出现。记者们对德国民主制度的弱点、经济崩溃的后果、纳粹和社会民主党之间的斗争作了哪些报道?他们看到了痛苦和暴力的蔓延,看到了每个阵营支持者的疯狂和信仰?在棕色瘟疫通过投票箱传播到德国的那些年里,这些特权证人能告诉我们些什么呢? 爱奇艺视频
  解说:Léonie Simaga
  制片人:Martin Laurent, Olivier Hurtado
  联合制作:[Temps noir]() and KINO

野外步出3玩野加大马 8


  • 已更新至15集
  • 2023  

罗比·威廉姆斯 8


  这部权威纪录片剧集分为四个部分,讲述了这位有史以来最成功的英国独唱艺术家的故事,而今年也恰逢他单飞 25 周年纪念。剧中包含时间跨度 30 年、长达数百小时私密、未曾曝光过的关于罗比的独家资料,并由广受赞誉的电影制作团队执导,其中包括阿斯弗·卡帕迪尔(担任监制);这部定义文化的剧集首开先河,探究当年那些劲爆头条新闻背后真实的人物。

海上浩劫第二季 10


  • 已更新至6集
  • 2019  

  Stories of humans against nature, heroism in the face of catastrophe, and deadly secrets buried at sea. Witness some of the most harrowing shipwrecks in modern history, presented through immersive firsthand accounts of the disasters and marine investigations that followed. From cruise liners to bulk carriers to fishing boats, we look back on the final moments of these doomed ve...

灯塔的秘密第二季 7


  • 已更新至3集
  • 2022  

  Presenter Rob Bell explores one of Britain’s most heroic engineering achievements, the rock lighthouse, in a new three-part series that takes viewers along the country’s stunning but dangerous coastline.
  Rob meets the Keepers, skippers, and storytellers with tales of those who overcame seemingly insurmountable obstacles to not only build a tower on a wave-washed rock but to liv...

TheLegacyProjectSeason3 7


  • 已更新至10集
  • 2016  

  The Legacy Project serves to heighten awareness of writing and composing for the stage. They provide a unique window into the thinking of America's most prominent and promising playwrights, composers, lyricists and librettists.

造就美国的玩具第三季 10


  • 最新更新
  • 2023  

  “The Toys That Built America” returns for a third season to continue chronicling the untold stories and rivalries that gave rise to the modern toy industry.
  This season turns the lens on an exciting new selection of bold visionaries and creators behind history’s biggest-selling toys, games, and action figures as they build billion-dollar empires against the backdrop of a changi...

TheLegacyProjectSeason2 9


  • 已更新至10集
  • 2014  

  The Legacy Project serves to heighten awareness of writing and composing for the stage. They provide a unique window into the thinking of America's most prominent and promising playwrights, composers, lyricists and librettists.

博物馆解密第十八季 10


  • 已更新至13集
  • 2018  

  美国博物馆里珍藏的那些非同寻常、稀奇古怪的珍宝代表了历史上奇妙的篇章,但实物展示只能讲述它们故事的一部分。在每件文物的背后是令人惊叹的故事和有待揭示的秘密,故事有时充满了丑闻、奥秘、谋杀和阴谋。在《博物馆解密》节目中,主持人唐·怀尔德曼(Don Wildman)参观了美国各地的各种博物馆,通过重新审视被遗留下来的东西,带领观众们踏上一段有时令人震惊的美国历史之旅。采访、档案录像和重演,让这些文物的永恒谜团变得栩栩如生,其中一些内容以前从未在电视上讲述过。 咪咕视频
  01. 世贸遗址,宇宙飞行服,解码专家
  02. 黑白连手,库克船长,棒球王后
  03. 恐龙化石,黄金唱片,胡佛球
  04. 杰弗逊美酒,太空飞行员,对抗纳粹
  05. 阿拉斯加公路,碧翠丝波特,埃及艳后尖塔
  06. 阿拉斯加旗帜,牛津字典,芝加哥崛起
  13. 九命怪猫,太空任务与汽车电...

无声的战栗第二季 2


  • 已更新至6集
  • 2017  

  In Dead Silent, myth, urban legend, and horror movie violently collide with real-life killers and their dark and twisted agendas. In remote locations in the woods to local parking lots, this vortex of dark mystery and factual psychological terror unfolds.
  S2 E1 - Till Death Do Us Part
  S2 E2 - Run For Your Life
  S2 E3 - Strange Passenger
  S2 E4 - Fatal Friendship
  S2 E5 - A History...

TheSecretStoryoftheKnightsTemplarSeason1 10


  • 已更新至3集
  • 2021  

  Discover the secrets of the most mysterious and powerful knightly order of the Middle Ages: The Knights Templar. From the rise of their heavenly power through to their fall within the flames of diabolism. From the rituals and traditions within the medieval knighthood, through the exterminatory campaign against them, to their supposed secret survival and their official legacies ...

绝至之地第三季 1


  • 已更新至6集
  • 2014  

  Ross Kemp Extreme World returns for a fascinating, exciting third season. The award-winning documentary maker covers some of the series' most hard-hitting stories yet.
  In this season, Ross travels to Mumbai and Calcutta where he investigates India's shameful secret. In Rio de Janeiro, a city trying to clean up its image ahead of the football World Cup and the next Olympic Games...