"希腊语" 共找到影视: 1527 部
2004年第28届雅典奥运会闭幕式 2


  • 最新更新
  • 2004  


AkrivimouSofia 3


  • 最新更新
  • 1990  

另一个我:失落的灵魂 7


  • 已更新至8集
  • 2019  

  《另一个我:失落的灵魂》是一部由希腊导演Sotiris Tsafoulias2019年执导的推理犯罪的电视剧,一系列的谋杀案惊动了警察当局,因为每一个犯罪现场都出现了怪异的现象,怪异的犯罪学教授Dimitris Lainis接手这一系列案件,并解开谜团。

记者与侦探 3


  • 已更新至30集
  • 1994  

  一个机灵聪明的记者,一个机智勇敢的侦探。两人在追寻真相,伸张正义的道路中相遇。找寻案件背后真正的罪犯,洗清无辜受害者的冤屈。 为此,他们甘愿冒着生命危险,罪犯进行种种周旋,在千难万险中,将罪犯缉拿归案,将事实大白天下。

火之手镯 2


  • 已更新至8集
  • 2023  

家国是你第二季 2


  • 已更新至28集
  • 2017  

  Azize finds herself with her 3 children and mother-in-law in a difficult fight. She raises her children while fighting the difficulties of the war period and her husband's absence whom she loves more than anything. It's about war, love, greed, treason and sacrifice.

无言的你 4


  • 已更新至13集
  • 2016  

  Chania, Greece 2016. A family like any other. A boy like any other. Or maybe not Little Pavlis lives in his very own world - a world of music, colors and emotions. His parents, Eleni and Yiannis, think of him as a genius. But the arrival of Eleni's younger brother Vasilis and his wife Ioanna will unsettle their everyday life. Ioanna insists on something being different about t...

战壕中的生活 4


  • 已更新至12集
  • 2019  

Belíssima 1


  • 已更新至209集
  • 2005  

  Simpática, bem-sucedida e discreta, Júlia Assumpo é presidente da Belíssima, referência mundial no setor de roupas íntimas. Sua avó, Bia Falco, a pressiona para se tornar parecida com a me, Stella Assumpo – que foi uma modelo bastante famosa, mito de beleza na década de 60. Fundadora da marca Belíssima, Stella morreu em um acidente de avio junto com seu marido, deixando ...

Oiapomahoi 4


  • 最新更新
  • 1982  

华伦斯坦 3


  • 已更新至4集
  • 1978  


γκλημασταπαρασκνια 6


  Rosa Delli, an actress well-known for her love scandals, is found stabbed in her dressing room. Inspector Bekas (Titos Vandis) gets in charge of the case and finds himself up against the following questions: who and how committed the murder, given that the door was found locked from inside The police along with the journalists of a newspaper company asked the edge of the filam...

无坚不摧 2


  中国西北高山上的一座寺院……一个面临绝症的家庭的起居室……著名神经学家奥利弗·萨克斯的办公室……耶路撒冷的哭墙……《无坚不摧》描绘了一个史诗般的自我发现之旅,为电影制作人和单亲父亲本·拜尔(Ben Byer)与不治之症和致命的神经退行性疾病ALS作斗争。这是一次充满非凡人物和惊险风景的电影冒险,由奥斯卡奖提名人Roko Belic《成吉思汗蓝调》拍摄,他在开始了解人类条件的力量时,以视觉上惊人的全球求生之旅。一幅非同寻常的自画像,描绘了一个面临生命终极挑战、坚不可摧的人,深入到人类的体验之中,讲述了一个关于希望与命运冲突的迷人、有趣和鼓舞人心的故事。

AnBuachaillGealgháireachingBoy 6


  The Irish song entitled “The Laughing Boy” was written by a teenage rebel called Brendan Behan in memory of another iconic rebel, Michael Collins – the centenary of whose death was commemorated in 2022. But this song also had an extraordinary and dramatic afterlife as “To Yelasto Paidi,” the powerful left-wing anthem of resistance against the dictatorship that ruled Greece in t...

ThireanMatins 4


  A “visual social research” on Santorini that lays its sight on the period when the agricultural economy was gradually replaced by the swarming tourism industry. The movie exceeds the limitations of a simple folklore documentary, weaving a haunting portrait of a two-tier society, like the ominous vision of a future that had already arrived. A unique encounter between two great d...