"犯罪" 共找到影视: 25766 部
骗术真相第二季 2


  • 已更新至10集
  • 2006  

  Factual entertainment series about scams and cons. Confidence trickster Alexis Conran, scam artist Paul Wilson and sexy swindler Jessica Clement carry out notorious scams on unsuspecting members of the public, filmed with hidden cameras and intercut with actual interviews from fraud protection experts, police and scam victims.
  Scams include the fake warehouse employees who grab...

解剖:最后一小时第五季 2


  • 已更新至4集
  • 2015  

  第5季 第1集:艾米·怀恩豪斯(S5 E1 - Amy Winehouse)
  第5季 第2集:希斯·莱杰(S5 E2 - Heath Ledger)
  第5季 第3集:琼·里弗斯(S5 E3 - Joan Rivers)
  第5季 第4集:菲利普·塞默·霍夫曼(S5 E4 - Ph...

黑帮老大养成指南 7



无声的战栗第二季 2


  • 已更新至6集
  • 2017  

  In Dead Silent, myth, urban legend, and horror movie violently collide with real-life killers and their dark and twisted agendas. In remote locations in the woods to local parking lots, this vortex of dark mystery and factual psychological terror unfolds.
  S2 E1 - Till Death Do Us Part
  S2 E2 - Run For Your Life
  S2 E3 - Strange Passenger
  S2 E4 - Fatal Friendship
  S2 E5 - A History...

绝至之地第三季 1


  • 已更新至6集
  • 2014  

  Ross Kemp Extreme World returns for a fascinating, exciting third season. The award-winning documentary maker covers some of the series' most hard-hitting stories yet.
  In this season, Ross travels to Mumbai and Calcutta where he investigates India's shameful secret. In Rio de Janeiro, a city trying to clean up its image ahead of the football World Cup and the next Olympic Games...

ColdCaseGeschichteSeason1 10


  • 已更新至6集
  • 2021  

  The violent murder of an Egyptian pharaoh, the inexplicable disappearance of two young princes, or the questionable ******* of a troubled artist – the futuristic series Cold Case reopens the darkest chapters of history. Using modern forensic science techniques and criminalistics, we revisit infamous cold cases such as Ramses III, King Richard and the two Princes, and Vincent Va...

“杰尼斯性加害”与媒体如何面对受害者 1


  • 已更新至1集
  • 2023  


神秘家庭谋杀案结案?第三季 5


  • 已更新至5集
  • 2021  

  《神秘家庭谋杀案 结案》重温了前几季的案件,了解罪犯在被执行绞刑后,其家属如何努力为其洗脱罪名的情况。 优酷视频
  Narrator: Tony Hirst
  Presenter: Sasha Wass, Jeremy Dein
  Production companies: Chalkboard TV, British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)

神秘家庭谋杀案第三季 5


  • 已更新至10集
  • 2019  

  第1期:寻找180年前的真相(S3 E1 - Thomas)
  第2期:农场枪杀纵火案(S3 E2 - Brown)
  第3期:打字员失踪之谜(S3 E3 - Thorne)
  第4期:律师毒杀妻子案(S3 E4 - Armstrong)
  第5期:疗养院老人死亡之谜(S3 E5 - Waddingham)
  第6期:16岁少女被奸杀案(S3 E6 - Greenwood)
  第7期:年轻情侣运河遇害(S3 E7 - Power)
  第8期:农场绅士被枪杀之谜(S3 E8 - Hewitt)
  第9期:租客疑被房东谋杀(S3 E9 - Seddon)
  第10期:41岁女房东被杀案(S3 E10 - Calvert)
  Narrator:Tony Hirst

Computersv.Crime 2


  • 已更新至1集
  • 2022  

  In police departments and courts across the country, artificial intelligence is being used to help decide who is policed, who gets bail, how offenders should be sentenced, and who gets parole. But is it actually making our law enforcement and court systems fairer and more just This timely investigation digs into the hidden biases, privacy risks, and design flaws of this contro...

历史重现:帕特里夏·赫斯特绑架案 4


  • 已更新至1集
  • 2017  


历史重现:洛杉矶暴动 10


  • 已更新至1集
  • 2017  


德普大战赫德 8


  《夫妻决裂:约翰尼·德普诉安柏·赫德案》是一部分为三部的剧集,探讨了这起臭名昭著的诽谤案。该案引起了全世界的关注,并成为 TikTok 的全球首例审判。该剧集将两种证词并列呈现,探讨了这一全球媒体事件,质疑真相的本质及其在现代社会中所扮演的角色。

邪教教主养成指南 5



钻石抢劫大盗案第一季 6


  • 最新更新
  • 2020  

  Ross explores the untold story of the 9 month cat-and-mouse game between police and the criminal gang intent on stealing diamonds worth £350 million from an exhibition at the Millennium Dome in London in 2000. Windfall Films 2020