"2011" 共找到影视: 14388 部
何为达达 9


MyHunter'sHeart 8


Bucharestless 1


  BUCHARESTLESS is a city-vérité conceptual movie shot in Bucharest, the capital of Romania. With an outside-the-box cinematic perspective, a full-encompassing soundtrack, a sequential narrative approach and no dialogues, the film slices through the urban soul and the contemporary spirit of a city formerly known as "Little Paris".

没素质 7


  A group of 8 persons are brought together for one day, continuously watched by cameras and then released in the streets of Paris, where they question sexuality, religion, gender, feminist and gay issues, with bystanders.



  The causes underlying the collapse of civilizations are usually traced to overuse of resources. As we write this, the world is reeling from economic chaos, peak oil, climate change, environmental degradation, and political turmoil. Every day, the headlines re-hash stories of scandal and betrayal of the public trust. We don't have to make outraged demands for the end of the curr...

漂泊落地生根─张志群 3


  這支《漂泊落地生根─張志群》紀錄片耗時將近五年才拍攝完成,將主角張志群一生的精彩故事濃縮成 101分鐘的紀錄片,導演陳育青以『經歷戰火中國、繁華租界;挺過白色恐怖的苦刑、參與民主運動的台灣,退休赴美,猶積極參與台灣正名運動,影片告訴我們,在台灣走向自由的漫漫長途之中,張志群已從昔日的中國共產信徒,蛻變為自由的台灣人了。』為張志群這精彩又戲劇性的一生下註腳 。

玛德琳·里佛的三次战争 4


  Documentaire retraant la vie de de Madeleine Riffaud, considérée comme étant la plus jeune résistante pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale. 玛德琳·里佛是抵抗法西斯战士中最年轻的女性。

冒險 7


  It has been seven years since Seoyeong moved to Seoul. A girl comes to Seoul to take a test. Their paths cross, and they spend a night together.



  Koshikawa is bullied at school and contemplates ******* for the suffering to end. However, he sees a couple kissing at the place he was going to kill himself. This is a film about overcoming the pain and confusion of adolescence.

我穿越时空为了再次遇见你 6


  • 译名:
  • 类别:短片  
  • 语言:

  A man encounters, encountered, or will encounter a woman in an elevator of an office building. They are destined to meet each other again, yet both are thrown into the maze constructed by time and space through images and sounds that might be different from one’s daily experience in reality. Possibilities have been created, yet further and further away from reality.

扎菲尔 10


  With the bedroom window closed, all he can hear is her deep breathing and the muffled clamor of the crowded square.

APortentousDeath 1


StreetstoNowhere 6


  A silent story about a scarred boy, his sister, his deteriorated family, and a half-masked stalker who shadows him.