"2021" 共找到影视: 16090 部
马戏团:地球上最伟大的政治表演第六季 2


  • 已更新至16期
  • 2021  

  Groundbreaking weekly docu-series that pulls back the curtain on American politics. Hosts John Heilemann, Mark McKinnon, Alex Wagner and Jenn Palmieri go behind the scenes for an unbiased, inside look at the stories beyond the headlines.

~凪咲和搞笑艺人~MATCHING 5


  • 已更新至23期
  • 2021  


お笑い実力刃 9


  • 最新更新
  • 2021  

  実力派芸人が漫才とコントの両方を披露するネタ番組「お笑い二刀流 MUSASHI」の兄弟番組としてレギュラー放送開始。司会のアンタッチャブルとサンドウィッチマンがタッグを組み、ネタに特化した企画を通して「実力刃」芸人たちを紹介する。10分を超える長尺ネタを放送することもある。

これ余談なんですけど 9


  • 最新更新
  • 2021  


淘金热:垃圾第八季 9


  • 最新更新
  • 2021  

  当执行制片人克里斯托·道尔(Christo Doyle)让淘金热矿工们告诉我们矿山生活的真相时,你就躲到幕后去吧。

百家讲坛:中国史话(明朝篇) 7


  • 已更新至10集
  • 2021  


StrangestThingsSeason1 9


  • 已更新至10集
  • 2021  

  Our world is filled with mysterious objects surrounded by questions and wonder. They have captivated us, sometimes for thousands of years. Using the latest scientific research, declassified files, expert testimony and state of the art visual effects, each one hour show unpacks three riveting objects and tells their stories using a unique visual style. What connects Tutankhamun’...

地下奇观第二季 6


  • 已更新至10集
  • 2021  

  Throughout this season of UNDERGROUND MARVELS, historians, engineers, and experts reveal underground structures that seem to defy human imagination, from Southwest England to Moldova and beyond. In South Dakota, a decommissioned military bunker lies abandoned 200-feet below the ground. Now, 50 years later, how has this massive silo been repurposed for a new generation In Exete...

TheSecretStoryoftheKnightsTemplarSeason1 10


  • 已更新至3集
  • 2021  

  Discover the secrets of the most mysterious and powerful knightly order of the Middle Ages: The Knights Templar. From the rise of their heavenly power through to their fall within the flames of diabolism. From the rituals and traditions within the medieval knighthood, through the exterminatory campaign against them, to their supposed secret survival and their official legacies ...

ColdCaseGeschichteSeason1 10


  • 已更新至6集
  • 2021  

  The violent murder of an Egyptian pharaoh, the inexplicable disappearance of two young princes, or the questionable ******* of a troubled artist – the futuristic series Cold Case reopens the darkest chapters of history. Using modern forensic science techniques and criminalistics, we revisit infamous cold cases such as Ramses III, King Richard and the two Princes, and Vincent Va...

Hitler'sCountdowntoWarSeason1 6


  • 已更新至3集
  • 2021  

  What historical events led Hitler to declare war and why In this history series, we take an intriguing look at the countdown to World War 2 through the eyes of Adolf Hitler himself. The countdown started on 12th March 1938, when Hitler and his Nazi troops crossed the German border and invaded Austria and ended on the 3rd of September 1939, when both Britain and France declared...

SpaceTitans:Musk,Bezos,Branson 6


  • 最新更新
  • 2021  

  A new age of space exploration has begun as three of the world's most successful entrepreneurs risk billions of dollars to launch a revolution in space travel, a visionary ambition necessary for humanity's enduring survival.
  Production company: Storied Media Group

冷战:武器竞赛第一季 4


  • 已更新至4集
  • 2021  

  解说:Francis French, Callan McAuliffe
  制作:[Wildbear Entertainment](...

神秘家庭谋杀案结案?第三季 5


  • 已更新至5集
  • 2021  

  《神秘家庭谋杀案 结案》重温了前几季的案件,了解罪犯在被执行绞刑后,其家属如何努力为其洗脱罪名的情况。 优酷视频
  Narrator: Tony Hirst
  Presenter: Sasha Wass, Jeremy Dein
  Production companies: Chalkboard TV, British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)

ThirtiesinColour:CountdowntoWarSeason1 10


  • 已更新至3集
  • 2021  

  This three-part series takes black-and-white films from the era and colourizes the footage, bringing the past vividly back to life. The films offer a remarkable window on one of the most turbulent decades in history and capture a world determined to remain stable in the face of economic and political chaos across Europe. Social historians and people with direct connections to t...