"他加禄语" 共找到影视: 396 部
住所:告别伊甸园 5


  Pepsi is a transgender militant born in the Philippines looking for a new identity in Europe. Former member of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front, she had to run away because of sexual persecution.

不含数据的套餐 3


  “Mama has two phone numbers. We do not talk about immigration on her Obama phone. For that we use the other number with no data plan.” Living in the United States illegally for over 20 years, Miko Revereza takes the Amtrak train from Los Angeles to New York in this critical moment of hostility against migrants in the country he has come to know as home. The journey seems daring...

在世纪贫困的魔爪中 6



越南玫瑰日记 9


  A mystery dreamlike portrait of a movie star's harrowing ordeal in the making of a film. This is about Liz Alindogan, then 19-year old naive newbie star, and director Celso Ad Castillo dubbed as Philippine cinema's messiah. It is structured as a mystery film, making viewers question whether to believe the account of Liz Alindogan.

等不到的道歉 4



缓缓前行的老货轮 7



战争是件温柔事 3


  (2016当代叙事影展)從家族記憶的言述,展開一段漫長的菲律賓戰爭史。1930年代,菲律賓**啟動一項大型殖民移墾計劃,原本以穆斯林和原住民定居者為主的島嶼民答那峨,湧入大量的基督徒移墾者定居,將近一世紀的戰火從此燃起,未曾停歇。出生當地的導演 Arumpac,母系家族是基督徒,父系家族則是穆斯林,兩個家族彼此為生存奮戰,也將腳下的土地視為永遠的家鄉。「戰爭本質是什麼?」Arumpac舉起攝影機,在大歷史敘事的洪流中,以影像開闢一條新的路徑,實驗性的敘事風格,隱晦幽微的情感流動,宛如一本以影像書寫的短篇小說,透過重寫家族記憶、認同與情感,描繪戰火下人的生存處境。

布布安的海贼 7


  Imamura reveals remote and impoverished islands in the Philippines to be the home of rival factions of pirates in this absorbing investigation into a little-known way of life.
  "In ballsy, proto-Nick Broomfield fashion, Shohei Imamura puts himself directly in the line of danger to film THE PIRATES OF BUBUAN, a startling documentary glimpse of shady activity on the Phillipine hig...

亲爱的汤都 4


  A mother of three sons living in Tondo is now pregnant with her fourth. Their living space, ringing with the various sounds of the nearby Manila port, jars the senses as it is transformed into cinematic time.

当你把我留在大街上 8


  Teenager Ly and her cousins get high before a boisterous family Thanksgiving at their auntie’s house in southeast San Diego in 2006.

年轻马尼拉之死 3



海娃 6


  A filipino man's nightmare in Athens cityscape.
  A floating. A dream. A poem. The camera flies above a vast landscape up close, over the mountains, into the city. “I saw a dream”, he says. “What did you see” she asks. “It was about the girls. They were sick!” She wants to know what was wrong with them. They carried houses on their backs, he replies, In this city, where children...

伊马戈 2


  Under the humid night within a lively slum in the center of Manila, Inday, a 54 year old single parent of a special child goes to her unusual work.

阿尼 7


  Docked at the port of Kaohsiung, Filipino seaman Arnie buys a ring with the help of his mates, to propose to his girlfriend back home. The supposedly happiest moment of his life soon takes a downward spiral when he finds out she is pregnant - but he is not the father of the child.

潜水员 4


  Marine Biologist Jason and his wife Abby goes to Pola, Mindoro where he is tasked to lead the rehabilitation and preservation of a fish sanctuary. There, he meets his diving assistant Dennis and the two hit it off instantly. As they work together, Jason learns bits and pieces about Dennis and his family; and Dennis is moved with Jason's passion for his work. They also find them...