"匈牙利语" 共找到影视: 2441 部
多瑙河边 5



冬日战争 4


自残纪实 1


Okupácia1968 2


  A documentary about the Occupation, as seen through the eyes of occupiers. Five countries from within the Warsaw Pact occupied Czechoslovakia in 1968.

Istenmezején1972-73-ban 1


  When Judit Elek heard some puzzling, if not outright disturbing stories about the daily life of girls and young women in the Hungarian provinces, she immediately travelled to one village, Istenmezején, to find out more about these occurrences.
  It was here that young girls were married to miners, only to spend the rest of their lives doing household chores. In Istenmezején, Elek...

九个月的战争 9


  János is in his early twenties when he is conscripted by the Ukrainian government. His family are part of the Hungarian minority in the country. Many flee to the EU to escape conscription, but János chooses military service. László Csuja follows him in the weeks before he sets out on the 1,500 km trip to the frontline, he is there when János returns to his family for the holida...

红色屋顶 1


  Red Roofs is about the Czechoslovakian, Polish and Hungarian cinema from 1950 until 1990 and its political and social impact.

Egymentorvosnaplójából 1


Negatívmagyarfilmtrténet 3


  Reconstructions of unrealized Hungarian films in cooperation with the greatest Hungarian film directors.

再见俄国郎 9


  After 45 years the occupying Soviet army are leaving Hungary. The documentumfilm shows how the soldiers feel, think, on the other hand what is gathered the Hungarian spirit in 45 years.

Mondaniamondhatatlant:ElieWieselüzenete 7


  Judit Elek’s final, more widely internationally recognised film (as well as her last to be screened in its day at IFFR) is a documentar y journey with writer/activist/academic Elie Wiesel. It explores several key places from his past including his hometown, Sighet, then and now Romanian but between 1940 and 1944 ruled by Hungary, and Owicim, infamous under its German name Aus...

MeddigélazemberI-II 2


  In a society that measures a human being’s value by productivity, few questions could be more subversive than those concerning the value of people who aren’t working. Elek explores this through a labourer forced into retirement and his young replacement, a peasant in an industrial school.

皮尔斯宇宙大冒险 9


  • 正片

Fagyottmájus 9

