"塔加路语" 共找到影视: 1021 部
小公主莎拉 10


人蛇大战1蛇妖 4


  ----- Synopsis taken from the book, "Mondo Macabro" by Pete Tombs -----
  The first film, simply called Zuma, shows how an archaeological dig frees the Hell Serpent from his pyramid like tomb. Zuma is a large, bald-headed green giant. But the most surprising thing about his appearance is the massive. two-headed snake permanently wrapped around his neck. Zuma hides out in the sewe...

韩国 6


Anakngbulkan 1


隐秘事件 3


  An ex-seminarian slash communist runs a hotel in Baguio. He then meets a handsome upcoming lawyer. A once-a-year trip to Baguio by the lawyer and conversations with the hotel owner develop into an affair which encompasses decades of socio-political changes in the country.

爱比仇更深 8



AngelaMarkado 1


悲伤的孩子 8


  Anak Dalita copped the Golden Harvest Award (Best Picture) at the Film Festival in Asia in 1956. The story takes place in Intramuros where there is a slum settlement. Vic (Tony Santos), a war hero from Korea returns to find his mother dying. When his mother dies, he is befriended by Cita (Rosa Rosal), a prostitute with a golden heart who takes care of him, but eventually both f...

熊追不舍 8


  Chubi used to be stocky and sexy but today he has a forty inch waistline. He has not dated for four years now and he feels that it is time for him to try to fall in love again. When he agrees to meet up with a long lost old flame, he is humiliated because of his new extra large body. So Chubi decides to set aside his search for love and goes into sexy eyeballs through people he...

当铺 9



皮普 5


  A young man trying to help his mother climb out of debt falls into the world of prostitution.
  A veteran hustler takes him under his wing and helps him find work.
  But it isn't long before he runs into a job that he isn't willing to do, and he's made to face just how far he's willing to go to survive.

浮生暂借梦 10


  表面是有闲阶级金童玉女的爱情故事,靓歌靓人靓景,但暗藏进步思想,亦贯串起青 春成长的挣扎与淡淡忧伤。男孩遵从父命在大学念理科,却无心向学,只想夹 band 写 歌,发挥音乐天赋。碰上女孩一见钟情,怕丑仔勇敢约会,没想到她原来已婚,是个 寂寞的妻子,只叹相见恨晚。《黑暗魔爪》(38 届)与《英思安》(40 届)女主角晓达 高朗尼,伙拍稚气未脱的基斯杜化迪里安,演绎婚外恋情,美得叫人同情。借来的美 梦,也是两人学懂反抗父权专制追求自由自我的启蒙过程。迈克迪里安瞩目第二作, 纪念祖母百岁冥寿,于碧瑶取景,拍出远离世俗的氛围,修复版本更加还原梦一般的 浪漫颜色。

想你想到疯狂 5


  ALAN ALVAREZ的生活似乎一切顺利,工作上,他即将获得升职,和自己的梦中情人DAPHNE RECTO也已经相处4年之久。
  MIA SAMONTE厌倦了她凄凉的生活。在马来西亚吉隆坡做了两年前台之后,她回到马尼拉休假,希望可以得到暂时的喘息。然而她的家庭危机又让她陷入绝望。
  Everything is falling into place for ALAN ALVAREZ (John Lloyd Cruz). With an impending high ranking promotion and four years of stable relationship with his dream girl, DAPHNE RECTO (Maricar Reyes), ...