"意大利语" 共找到影视: 13062 部
Oswald.Elfalsificador 8


  Documentary about the life of Oswald Aulestia Bach, a Spanish artist who was prosecuted by the US Justice for being one of the cornerstones of "Operación Artista"

MarinaCicogna-Lavitaetuttoilresto 4


  Marina Cicogna was the first female producer to reach success in the exclusively male world of Italian and European film in the late 1960s. The documentary celebrates an undisputed icon of style and creativity, the winner of an Oscar for Investigation of a Citizen Above Suspicion, and takes audiences on an intimate journey between Rome, Milan, and Venice, rounded out by insight...

伊卡洛斯的天平 3


  En Méditerranée, un lieu réel et fictif à la fois. Là d’où Icare s’est jeté pour se brler les ailes. Là où se croisent paquebots, pêcheurs, migrants fuyant le désastre, sauveteurs et scientifiques étudiant les conséquences du réchauffement sur les fonds marins. Là où des signes se révèlent : notre capacité à mesurer et à interpréter le monde n’est-elle pas tombée dans une déme...

看看地球 2


  Sardinia 2017. The starting point for the film is one of the most loved lands in the Mediterranean, using it to enter into the world of cinema. Ten international masters of cinema explain Fiorenzo Serra's images, one of the greatest post-war Italian documentary makers. Is masterpiece, "The last punch of Earth", will be analyzed and debated, a film which examined Italian change ...

无尽长河 4


  A retro spa resort, a hotel out of the 1940s, a place that moves the present somewhere else, but where This isn't the life of singer Ornella Vanoni; it's the revelation of her intimacy that is on show. Her energy, her personality, her music, and the caprices of a diva that stop the film crew more than once. Fuksas, the director, films it all, no holds barred even the arguments...

意大利式性交 6


  Using interviews and filmed reconstructions, the director analyzes eroticism from the period of breastfeeding, in which the newborn feels pleasure from contact with the mother's breast until reaching adulthood.

我们在一起——中意携手同心抗“疫” 2



TombadelTuffatore 7


  A dive into the contemporay void: a passage from life to death

IosonoLibero 3


  Docu-fiction that tells the story of Libero Grassi, the months in which he broke the silence, the silence in which he found himself isolated, until he became an easy target for a mafia clan.

IosonoValentinaNappi 7


金狮的勇气 1


  Attraverso lo sguardo della madrina Anna Foglietta, Il coraggio del Leone trascina il pubblico dietro le quinte della Mostra del Cinema di Venezia.

凡尼亚地震:寻找契诃夫 4


  Through the rehearsals and the tour of the show based on Uncle Vanya by Anton Chekhov, Vinicio Marchioni takes us to the Italian province destroyed by the earthquake and the places of the Russian writer. The Vanja earthquake starts from the Chekhovian masterpiece to investigate Italian post-earthquake immobility through the tragicomic gaze of Chekhov, making the public aware of...

DieGeburtdesLeoparden 5


  How a great love became a masterpiece of European literature: the fascinating story of how the novel "The Leopard" came to be written. When Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa died in 1957, he was penniless. One year later, his only novel The Leopard was published and became an overnight success. Luchino Visconti's eponymous film won the Palme D'Or at Cannes in 1963. The story of how ...