"Punjabi" 共找到影视: 82 部
姻缘天注定 7


  Rikki(阿布舍克巴强 Abhishek Bachchan 饰)和Alvira(普丽缇泽塔 Preity Zinta 饰)都是来伦敦火车站接站,因为等待的人都乘坐同一列车开往伯明翰的火车所以不期而遇,然而未能料到那列火车晚点两小时,二人不得不来到附近的咖啡厅打发闲暇无聊的时光。在Rikki的引导下两个人开始聊起了自己的恋爱的奇特经过,Rikki炫耀着自己和美丽性感,事业有成的未婚妻Anaida(拉娜杜塔 Lara Dutta 饰)在巴黎著名的酒店Ritz相识相知的经历,而Alvira也不甘示弱,更是将自己和帅气多金的混血未婚夫Steve(波比戴尔 Bobby Deol 饰)的相识天花乱坠的说成了王子和公主的故事。就在这短短两小时的等待过程中,二人却在萍水相逢的交谈中互生好感,而其实两个人的感情经历也都未像自己说的那样,一份命运注定的缘分让R...

喬金德·辛格上尉 1


  It is a biographical feature film on India's Highest Wartime Gallantry Award - Param Vir Chakra winner Subedar Joginder Singh. He fought three wars (as per records) for India before achieving martyrdom in the Sino-Indian War of 1962 while commanding a platoon in North Eastern Frontier Agency (NEFA) (Now Arunachal Pradesh). The story portrays his character and motivation in the ...

恭喜老爷 10



AnitaandMe 2


  Anita & Me tells the tale of Meena Kumar, a twelve-year-old girl who is discovering life in a whole new light. She lives with her parents in a small mining town called Tollington, in the Black Country of England in the 1970's. She is forever dreaming of a life other than her own, something that her parents can't understand. They believe that she should be studying hard and lear...

KartarSingh 5


  The Indo-Pakistan partition of 1947 forms the backdrop of a story of friendship and betrayal

激怒 9


  It's the true story of a Punjabi woman named Kiranjit Ahluwalia who leaves India to marry a London-based guy, only to be badly abused. She ends up in prison for murdering her abusive husband.

爱无国界 2


  • 已完结
  • 2004  

  维尔(沙鲁克·罕 Shahrukh Khan 饰)是一名印度空军救援飞行员,在工作上勤勤恳恳的维尔在内心里也充满了正义感。一次事故中,维尔救下了一个名叫扎拉(普丽缇·泽塔 Preity Zinta 饰)的女子,扎拉的美丽和柔弱让维尔几乎在瞬间就决定将她看做自己此生独一无二的爱人,扎拉亦然。不幸的是,扎拉是巴基斯坦人,政治和宗教在她和维尔之间铸造了深不见底的鸿沟,世界如此之大,却容不下两人纯洁的爱情,很快,维尔被冠上间谍的罪名锒铛入狱。
  22年过去了,精明强干的律师萨米亚(拉妮·玛克赫吉 Rani Mukherjee 饰)在无意间得知了维尔和扎拉之间凄美的爱情,感动之中,她决定为两人牵线搭桥,成全这一段旷世姻缘。