"丹尼·华莱士" 共找到影视: 4 部
BBC地平线:黑猩猩也是人 7


  • 已更新至1集
  • 2006  

  Danny Wallace is on a mission to convince the world that chimps are people too. He believes the time has come to make our hairy relatives part of the family. Our primate brethren share 99.4% of our crucial DNA and are more closely related to us than they are to gorillas. This being so, should they be afforded the same rights as people
  The reason for this scientific showdown is...

什么使人聪明 2


  Dallas Campbell delves into the Horizon archive to discover how our understanding of intelligence has transformed over the last century. From early c...

好好先生 2


  已过而立之年的卡尔·阿伦(金·凯瑞 Jim Carrey 饰)虽然衣食无忧,但他的人生可谓失败透顶。三年前和妻子离婚,始终过着单身生活。他在银行工作,不过基本呈混吃等死、升迁无望的状态。生活中他拒绝和他人交往,反而更愿意窝在家里看电影,整个人生仿佛被灰色的浓雾所笼罩。在 朋友的建议下,卡尔来到一家名为“好好先生”的机构作咨询,在导师泰伦斯(特伦斯·斯坦姆普 Terence Stamp 饰)的指引下,他尝试对生活中每一个问题都以肯定的方式回答。这小小的改变令卡尔的人生天翻地覆,荣誉、金钱、机遇、爱情接踵而来,正当他信心满满之时,却发现人生并非像他想得如此简单……
  本片改编自英国喜剧演员、作家丹尼·华莱士(Danny Wallace)的同名自传,并荣获2009年MTV最佳喜剧表演奖(Jim Carrey)。

Castaway 8


  • 译名:
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  • 语言:english  

  Castaway 2007 is a follow-up to the BBC series Castaway 2000 in which 36 men, women and children from the British public moved to a remote Scottish island for a year. In the new series, the basic premise of a group of volunteers living as a community on a remote island off the North Island of New Zealand. Written by bwbicki