"伊莲娜·弗洛伦特" 共找到影视: 6 部
受人尊敬的女性 8


  Trois-Rivières, 1930s. A woman separated from her husband for eleven years agrees to take him back into her home when her partner dies, but on the condition that she does not resume married life. Her husband brings with him the three little girls from his second marriage. Mrs. Lemay will become attached to the three children, but life together with her husband will be more and ...

耶洛奈夫 1


  A man helps a woman escape from a psychiatric hospital, they then embark on a somber and sleazy road trip to nowhere. Along the way they encounter a variety of folks who also are all crazy. In all fairness the plot kind of plods along in parts, it could have been a half an hour or so shorter.

花神咖啡馆 1


  • 已完结
  • 2011  

  故事发生在蒙特利尔,安东尼(Kevin Parent 饰)是一名DJ,在事业经营得风生水起的同时,他的感情生活却是一团乱麻。罗斯(伊夫林·布洛初 Evelyne Brochu 饰)是安东尼的新爱人,与此同时,安东尼和旧爱卡罗琳(Hélène Florent 饰)之间却依然藕断丝连。每日,安东尼觉得自己犹如走在一座独木桥之上,稍稍失足,等待他的就是无尽的深渊。
  镜头转向1969年的巴黎,杰奎琳(凡妮莎·帕拉迪丝 Vanessa Paradis 饰)和患有唐氏综合症的儿子相依为命,长久以来,杰奎琳牺牲了自己的一切,只希望儿子能够拥有一段短暂但快乐的人生。然而,对于杰奎琳的儿子来说,母亲所构筑的世界早已无法满足他的好奇心和求知欲了,他更加向往的,是外面真正的世界。

一个年轻的女孩 2


  a teenage girl who flees an unbearable home life for the rugged beauty of Quebec’s Gaspé Peninsula.

莎拉宁愿跑步 2


  莎拉(苏菲德斯马莱Sophie Desmarais 饰)是一位运动神经非常发达的女孩,尤其擅长长跑这项运动。某日,蒙特利尔省最好的大学的运动员俱乐部向莎拉跑来了橄榄枝,邀请她加入,这个千载难逢的机会让莎拉感到非常的兴奋。然而,莎拉成长在一个非常贫穷的家庭之中,她的母亲根本就没有能力支付她前往蒙特利尔学习所需的经费,于是莎拉想到了向银行申请贷款。
  为了能够申请到更大额度的贷款,莎拉找到了自己的好友安东尼(让-塞班斯坦库尔彻恩Jean-Sébastien Courchesne 饰),他们决定结婚来得到政策上的福利。莎拉和安东尼怀揣着对未来的美好幻想离开了家乡,但等待着他们的,除了冰冷的现实外还有两人濒临破碎的婚姻。

醉鸟 7


  Willy and Marlena. She is the girlfriend of a cartel leader in Mexico, he is in love with the boss's wife. Fearing the worst, the lovers will flee on their own to survive better. Willy suspects that Marlena is hiding in Montreal, and in the hope of finding her, he goes to Quebec as a seasonal worker at Ferme Vinet. While friendship bonds are woven between foreign workers on the...