"伊万·阿克森楚克" 共找到影视: 24 部
KakgribysGorokhomvoevali 4


  In the mushroom kingdom, King Borovik XVI had a daughter Belyanka, who was in love with Gruzd. But the King does not agree to marry her and sends herald Dozhdevik to declare a decree about the search for the groom. The mushrooms are going to the palace: the handsome Flyfinch, the smart Valuy and the rich Dubovik. Borovik has an enemy - a warlike Tsar Pea. Tsar's Adjutant Pod ar...

Gorenebeda 10


  A soldier served a long time service. He took as a reward an old drum and went where his eyes were looking. He walked for a long time, and went to the hut, and in it the small girl was crying. The soldier asks: "What are you crying, little" Girl: "It is terrible - I am an orphan, uncle, alone I suffer from a fierce witch who has destroyed my parents. And the servants of the ki...

Zhili-bylidedibaba 9


  Once upon a time, there were old man and old woman. In the distant past, they lived in a house with their two children. However, after the kids matured, they certainly moved from the village to the city. Thus, the elderly husband and wife were left alone in their home. One of the usual days children and grandchildren unexpectedly come to them. At first sight it seems like a hap...

女巫的诡计 4


  Director Ivan Aksenchuk has released a cartoon-collection entitled "The Adventures of a Magic Globe, or the Witch's Trick". In addition to "The Boy from Naples", which became the plot basis for the collection, this film includes the following Aksenchuk fairy tales (in order of display): "Nut twig" (1955); "Woe is not a problem" (1983); "Cinderella" (1979). Written by Peter-Patr...

革命的音乐 1



IlyaMuromets,prolog 9


  In the city of Murom lived Ivan and Efrosinya, a husband and a wife. They had a son, Ilya. For nearly thirty years he suffered from an illness - he could not move his arms or legs. The war began. Three old men passing by the house, looking for soldiers, cured Ilya and rewarded him with bogatyr force. In gratitude to them, Ilya of Murom went to war. Written by Peter-Patrick76 (p...

Sladkiyrodnik 6


Sineglazka 10


UlybkaLeonardodaVinchi 3


DyadyaStyopamilitsioner 2


  Animation film about the glorious giant policeman-uncle Stepan, big friend of Moscow kids. His biggest height has repeatedly helped to make many noble deeds. Uncle Stepan is saving old ladies, prevents mischievous pranksters' pranks, reunites mom with the lost baby, under the number "8" appears on the skaters competition and solves the problem of faulty traffic lights. Written ...

Bolshayaestafeta 4


仆人与骑士 8



IlyaMurometsiSolovey-Razboynik 2


  This is the second story from a series of adventures of the brave warrior Ilya of Murom. This time he is moving towards the city of Kiev and on the way accomplishes his great and small feats. Arriving at the gates of Chernigov city, Illya discovers that black vorogs are circling around the city. Having settled with them, Ilya Muromets meets the locals, who offer him the honorar...

Vashezdorove! 5


MorozIvanovich 1


  An old man obsessed with cleanliness hires two underage housemaids to do all the dirty work in his place.