"伊万·琼斯" 共找到影视: 19 部
国王与国家 9


  The last time Britain was a major force in world cinema was in the 1960s; a documentary of a few years back on the subject was entitled 'Hollywood UK'. This was the era of the Kitchen Sink, social realism, angry young men; above all, the theatrical. And yet, ironically, the best British films of the decade were made by two Americans, Richard Lester and Joseph Losey, who largely...

博命 9


  Legal and illegal criminality. An American tourist with a boat is robbed by a gang of teenager boys, assisted by the leader's sister. But soon afterward she jumps to the victim's boat to escape her brother's incestuous jealousy. The couple fly together and is hunted by the entire gang. Both happen to enter high-classified military territory. There might be a third and atomic wo...

胜利大逃亡 2


  • 已完结
  • 1981  

  二战末期,德国纳粹的攻势渐显疲态。位于法国的某纳粹集中营内,德国军官为鼓舞士气,同时打击盟军的气焰,竟别出心裁地想出了一场国际足球赛。由兵强马壮的德国队,对抗羸弱不堪的国际战俘队。前英国国脚科尔比(迈克尔·凯恩 Michael Caine 饰)认为这是绝佳的越狱良机,于是欣然接受德军 的提议。
  科比一方面网罗足球方面的人才,抓紧训练,一面委派美国人哈奇(Sylvester Stallone 史泰龙 饰)逃出集中营,联络巴黎的地下组织,准备在比赛那天里应外合,集体越狱。比赛的日子逐渐临近,他们最终能否成功?

送乡人 4


  《The Homesman》的故事发生在美国拓荒时期,无赖琼斯和一个边境小镇的女人护送三个患有精神疾病的妇女从内布拉斯加州前往爱荷华州,一路上他们将在严酷的自然环境中经历诸多磨难。无赖琼斯的角色应该由汤米·李·琼斯出演,希拉里·斯万克确定饰演那个边境小镇的女人,梅丽尔·斯特里普的角色目前尚未确定,据猜测可能是被护送精神病妇女中的一员。