"保罗·亨雷德" 共找到影视: 43 部
早餐时的不速之客 1


  • 已更新至1集
  • 1958  

  Jordon and Eve Ross are a married couple who are constantly fighting. Their latest argument is interrupted by the sudden appearance of a wanted murderer named Lacey. He holds them captive all night. Lacey ends up being an effective marriage counselor. Through the night he convinces the couple to amend their differences. All of this is despite the fact that Lacey is wanted for m...

ThiefofDamascus 3


开往慕尼黑的夜车 7


  During the Nazi uprising in 1939, they have captured prominent Czechoslovakian scientist Axel Bomasch and his adult daughter Anna Bomasch. Despite the senior Bomasch having escaped to England before the Nazis invaded Czechoslovakia, the Nazis were able to discover his hiding location in part due to an elaborate ruse using Anna, who at the time was imprisoned in a concentration ...

罗马春情 8


SirenofBagdad 4


赌城艳遇 10


  Rancher Chuck Rodwell is at the Sands Resort Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas on his annual gambling getaway. Everyone at the Sands knows and welcomes Chuck not only because he is good-natured, but because he is a perpetual loser in the games of chance in the casino. Concurrently at the resort is Maria Corvier, a US-born, Paris-bred ballerina, whose manager Pierre booked her on a ...

阴阳之间 10


  故事发生在第二次世界大战期间,钢琴家亨利(保罗·亨雷德 Paul Henreid 饰)决定带着妻子安(埃琳诺·帕克 Eleanor Parker 饰)乘船逃往国外躲避战乱,哪知道却因为未能获得出境证,而遭到了海关的拒绝。与此同时,安目睹了一场爆炸案的发生,一辆驶往港口的汽车在空袭之中灰飞烟灭。

私人事件 8


  Murderer hiding out on a failing mine operation, is discovered by the chief engineer. Both are stuck in this remote area of Mexico for 6 weeks until the company owner's plane returns. With the contract almost up, the accused killer was brought in to spur the dig, in return for refuge. He keeps a gun trained on the engineer, though the engineer assures the hunted man he empathiz...

临时起意的谋杀 1


  A woman who once accused Henry Dow of a crime enters the town and he invites her to stay with him and his sister. She tells Henry that she is carrying a large amount of money since she is planning an investment. Henry kills her for the money and dumps her body into the river. Henry then attends a dedication ceremony held on a bridge overlooking the river. When a body floats by,...

自判死刑 3


  Paula Frayne's husband Norman is a chronic worrier who shows her little attention. When an old friend of Norman's shows up and shows too much interest in Paula, Norman becomes difficult. Paula becomes convinced that Norman no longer loves her and moves out of the house. She was wrong, however. Norman really loves her and threatens murder to prove it.

最后的请求 5


  Gerald Daniels is granted a last request on the eve of his execution. He asks for a typewriter. He writes a letter to a newspaper that recounts his criminal career. In the letter he explains how he once murdered a waitress who was trying to blackmail him, how the D.A. convicted her ex-husband of the crime, and how the man had been executed. He writes that he, now, is in the sam...

两个恰恰好 8


  Joe Kedzie is released from prison after committing a robbery. Only Joe knows where the money is hidden: at the bottom of a mine shaft out in the desert. Maxie and Madge find Joe when he goes to retrieve the money. He agrees to cut them in. Maxie gets greedy and Joe shoots him. Unfortunately, he also puts a hole in their only canteen. Joe lowers himself down the mineshaft with ...

当心-暗影 6


  Miss Fox is a wealthy widow who lives alone with her dog, Vanessa. She has an arrangement with one of the building employees, Eddie McMahon, to walk Vanessa but when he asks her for a $50 loan, she refuses. When she walks Vanessa on Eddie's day off, she is mugged and is robbed of her wedding ring. She identifies Eddie as her attacker...

MadMenofEurope 8


偷天谍影 4


  The adventures of suave cat burglar Alexander Mundy, who plies his trade for the U.S. Government.