"克日什托夫·扎努西" 共找到影视: 38 部
David60-Ierioggidomani 2


  Sixty years of the David di Donatello awards represent a long history of successes, of famous actors and award-winning directors, of box-office hits and author films that have distinguished the history and identity of Italian cinema. A journey into Italian filmmaking creativity.

我的克拉科夫 7


水泥和话语 9


卡塔曼特谋杀案 2


  A banker troubled by both business and personal problems is transferred to a small town. There he meets and seduces an older woman. Together, they decide to pull off a payroll holdup together.

女人屋 8


无与伦比 5


Liczbadoskonala 8


  What makes life meaningful: success or love This dilemma is faced by Joachim, a fulfilled man approaching the end of his life, and a young mathematical genius, David. This film is a return to the central themes of the director's work. The answers he gives this time are perverse and not obvious.

周末故事:最后一圈 8


  • 正片

  An aging ballet legend who defected to France years before returns home to Poland for the first time to appear in a charity performance, and he immediately clashes with his ex-wife, who stayed behind when he defected.

威尼斯70周年:重启未来 7


  因为今年是威尼斯电影节70周年华诞,陈可辛与贝托鲁奇、金基德、贾樟柯等全球知名导演,以“重启未来(Future Reload)”为题,拍摄了70部短片,向威尼斯电影节“祝寿”。28日当地时间22时,这70部短片正式播出。

菲林卫士:P·K·奈尔 7


  电影如蝴蝶,漂亮而短寿。千机万变抓住美好固已难能可贵,留住永恒之美,庶几无憾。印度气候潮热,多亏人称「奈尔先生」的印度电影保育之父,无数濒临损毁边缘的珍贵作品,得以保存修复。由门票收藏家变身菲林卫士,不避跋涉直入穷乡挽救烟没的电影,奈尔走过的路可有十万八千里?看着旧片重 温、各式制作公司商标的片头蒙太奇,印度电影史彷佛就在经他保留的影框之间无言揭示。遑论波兰大师赞禄西、斯里兰卡国宝培里斯等锦上添花的访谈,直构一场知性大丰收。
  Henri Langlois, the French film preservation pioneer, had it easy compared to P. K. Nair. Nair, the founder of the National Film Archive of India, has been instrumen...

群山夕照 7


主教之死 3


  A short, diploma film Smierc prowincjala from Polish director Krzysztof Zanussi, which won numerous awards on film festivals, including Venice, Mannheim, Valladolid and Moscow, tells the story of a young man who arrives at a monastery as a preserver of monuments of art, where he witnesses the last days in the life of the Provincial father of the monastery. (@...

霍登 2


  Based on the short fragment of J.D. Salinger's novel "The Catcher in the Rye". Holden lives with his friend. Ordinary conversation leads into a argument.

清单 1


  Difficulty of human relations in a 3-cornered tale: a neurotic woman, idealistic young man and his mother. Tomek is a clean-cut, high-minded geography student. He lives with his mother Zofia, a sensitive, practicing Catholic, like her son. When he meets Julia, a depressed woman older than he, he first tries to comfort her, then invites her to stay with him and his mother. Tomek...

我主的弟兄 1
