"克里斯蒂娜·格罗斯" 共找到影视: 8 部
EinverlockendesAngebot 2


  Das junge Ehepaar Maria und Jan lebt zusammen mit seiner Tochter in einem kleinen Dorf in Thüringen. Nachdem Maria arbeitslos wird, nimmt sie eine Stelle als Kchin in einem Hotel im 300 km entfernten Berlin an. Liebesaffren auf beiden Seiten stellen die zu einer Wochenendbeziehung gewordene Ehe auf die Probe. Letztlich entscheidet sich das Paar füreinander und startet einen N...

我是你的孩子 8


空巢爸妈第一季 6


  • 已更新至3集
  • 2017  

十四本第一次世界大战日记 3


  • 已更新至8集
  • 2014  

  14 - Diaries of the Great War is a 2014 international documentary drama series about World War I. It uses a mix of fictionalized scenes , archive footage, and animation. All episodes were directed by Jan Peter, series authors were Jan Peter and...

乌尔佳·芳克任务 3


  “I have a deal for you: You drive me to an appointment and I do your homework for two weeks.” — “No deals with bright sparks.”
  A children’s service at a chapel in the German heartland. Though even the weirdest presentations are met with applause, Ulja’s astronomy lecture gets cut off. But the 12-year-old future scientist has just discovered her first asteroid! Unwilling to reco...

AlkiAlki 5


  ky Alky is the tragicomic story of Tobias and ‘Flasche,’ two best friends and classic cases of arrested development - partying, boozing, and self-destructing like a couple of idiotic teenagers. This would be fine except for the fact that Tobias is in his mid-40s with a wife and children. But he and Flasche continue to rock the nights away in discos and raves, partying with peop...

Netto 3


感受迪斯科 5


  弗洛里是一個胖胖的少年,他喜歡迪斯科音樂,媽媽莫妮卡很支持他,二人有個共同喜歡的流行歌星斯蒂芬。弗洛里的爸爸漢諾是位跳水教練,他更想把自己的意願強加給兒子。一天清晨,莫妮卡做好早餐在打掃房間時,中風倒地住進醫院,從此再也沒有醒來。弗洛里堅信媽媽會好起來, 把斯蒂芬的音樂帶進病房里。而漢諾為了讓兒子走出困境帶他來到游泳館,弗洛里於是結識了漢諾的學生拉杜。弗洛里和拉杜很快成為好朋友,而弗洛里在其中還隱約感受到愛。但生活就如同一條沒有烤熟的魚,苦苦的,卻依然還是要繼續。