"刘易斯-约翰·卡利诺" 共找到影视: 16 部
恐惧的反思 4


  A young girl lives with her mother and grandmother. One day her estranged father returns home with a female companion he introduces as his fiance...

时代的探索 10


DocElliot 5


罪恶世家 8


仲夏情狂 5


  In 1815, authors Lord Byron, Mary Shelley and Percy Shelley get together for some philosophical discussions, but the situation soon deteriorates into mind games, drugs and sex.

霹雳上校 9



男狐 9


  本片改编自英国著名作家DH劳伦斯(D.H. Lawrence)的同名小说,获1968年金球奖最佳外国英语片。两名同性恋女子在孤立的郊野农场自得其乐,后来一名流浪的海员闯入他们的生活,二女的关系遂不得不重新调整,她们中较粗犷的一名女子成为男女双方的争夺对象。本片以大胆的手法刻画了女子同性恋心理,其中也不乏有赤裸相见的镜头和性的象征,摄影和音乐均有相当水准。

龙虎铁金刚 7



Prodajemstarakola 10


横冲直撞打江山 3


  Crazy Joe perfectly melds two cultural aspects of a fantastic seventies genre, the crime thriller. With a New York location and loads of terrific American character actors in addition to Italian direction, production and veterans of Italian poliziotti, this film stands out on many levels. Peter Boyle is chillingly effective as Joe, a power hungry Family soldier who desperately ...

WhereHaveAllthePeopleGone 3


  A strange series of solar flares proves fatal for inhabitants of the Earth, except for the fortunate few who are somehow immune from the effects. Animals go insane and human beings turn to white powder, leaving behind only empty clothing. A handful of survivors attempt to rebuild their lives on the de-populated Earth.

飞越玫瑰园 10


  A young woman's devotion to a childhood fantasy kingdom has taken over her entire life and causes her endless pain and degradation.
  Placed in a mental hospital, she has the great good fortune to have a truly caring therapist who tries to help her accept reality, even though reality isn't so great either.

高材生 3


  Jonathan, a naive country boy, gets a scholarship to a classy prep school, where he rooms with suave, rich and handsome Skip. Skip decides it is his duty to see that Jonathan loses his virginity, so he sends Jonathan to Chicago, where Jonathan meets Ellen, a beautiful older woman, and they be- gin an affair which ends abruptly when Ellen discovers Jonathan is 17. During Christm...

午后曳航 5


  Sarah Miles饰演一位年轻的寡妇,有个十二、三岁的儿子。儿子漂亮文雅,热爱海洋,崇拜水手的生活。母子两人坐在海边的小城中,儿子有一群坏朋友,也都是一些孩子。这些人有个小领袖,是个天生的小叛徒。儿子爱母亲,住的房间和母亲的房间只有一墙之隔,墙上有个小洞,他每天夜里都要偷窥母亲的行动,包括母亲的换衣和裸体。一天,母亲为取悦儿子,带他去见一位船长,竟和船长相恋。当母亲和船长缠绵时,发现隔墙有耳,母亲怒斥了儿子。故事的结局是:儿子和他的那群朋友,在小领袖的指挥下,把那文雅的船长给杀掉了。

再生神医 4


  根据真实事件改编。女主角Ellen Burstyn以及饰演她母亲的老演员Eva Le Gallienne共同获得1981年奥斯卡提名。
  Ellen Burstyn experiences the afterlife for a brief time after a car accident that kills her husband. As she begins her long process of physical healing, she discovers that she has the ability to heal physical infirmities. While most people simply accept her gift, her lover (Sam Shepard) becomes mentally unbala...