"加斯帕·诺" 共找到影视: 34 部
CircusMaximus 10


  • 最新更新
  • 2023  

  Prepare to enter “CIRCUS MAXIMUS” as Travis Scott takes his audience on a mind-bending visual odyssey across the globe, woven together by the speaker rattling sounds of his highly anticipated upcoming album “UTOPIA.” The film is a surreal and psychedelic journey, uniting a collective of visionary filmmakers from around the world in a kaleidoscopic exploration of human experienc...

足球短片集 8


  • 最新更新
  • 2014  

  来自于世界各地有关足球的短片集合。"Short Plays"汇集了33位著名导演的短片作品。完全的自由创作,一个短篇最多5分钟片长,尽可能少的对话,而且只有普通人而不是职业演员来出演,从导演们所在的国家传递出原汁原味的内容。包括纪录片、动画在内等多种创造型方式来展现足球。这是一场电影的世界杯。

惊慌失措的阿基多 2


  Dario Argento ha scritto i suoi film più famosi all’interno di hotel, isolandosi completamente dalla realtà esterna e immergendosi nei propri incubi. Dopo molti anni, consigliato dal suo agente, decide di tornare in un hotel per concludere la sua nuova sceneggiatura e per essere intervistato, filmato e seguito da una troupe che sta girando un film su di lui. All’interno di ques...

Schirkoa 3


  In a sophisticated near perfect society 'Schirkoa', where citizens live with paper bags on their heads to dissolve differences, nomadic free thinkers have developed physical anomalies and are banished to live as refugees in an eerie separate state. A fresh council member bag-head number 197A accidentally sparks a revolution in Schirkoa and flees to the forbidden refuge...

Pulpeamère 4


Placebo:Protége-Moi 9


SebastiAn:LoveinMotion 2


  • 最新更新
  • 2012  

  "We made the music video for SebastiAN's "Love in Motion". SebastiAN is a French electronic artist on Ed Banger Records. The video was directed by Gaspar Noé."

创新艺术洪流中的三杰 10


  Helmer of one of Argentina’s most remarkable filmographies, Fernando “Pino” Solanas ends his career with a documentary in which he explores the mysteries of creation alongside two other great artists who are in the final stages of their lives: actor and playwright Eduardo “Tato” Pavlovsky and visual artist Luis Felipe Noé. Talking about issues such as exile, political commitmen...

42分一幻梦 4


爱娃 6


  Noé explores the line where art meets sexuality, and does so in a very simplistic form of expression.
  Gaspar Noé在2005年所拍的三个探索艺术与情欲的短片,纯粹的表达

肛交者 8


  The film was part of an anti-AIDS campaign supported and initiated by the French Ministry of Health.

SebastiAn:Thirst 7


  A lonely man in a club tries to make friends which didn't go very well for him.

第71届戛纳国际电影节颁奖典礼 1


  • 最新更新
  • 2018  

  东亚代表是枝裕和凭《小偷家族》摘得金棕榈奖。让-吕克-戈达尔《影像之书》获特别金棕榈,斯派克·李执导的《黑色党徒》获评委会大奖。Marcello Fonte凭借《犬舍惊魂》获得最佳男演员,萨玛尔-叶斯利亚莫娃则凭在《小家伙》中的出色表现获得最佳女演员。

第72届戛纳国际电影节颁奖典礼 2


  • 最新更新
  • 2019  

  电影节期间,竞赛和展映活动同时进行。电影节分为六个单元:“正式竞赛”,“导演双周”,“一种注视”,“影评人周”,“法国电影新貌”和“会外市场展” 。

圣罗兰-21盛夏 10


  At just under 10 minutes, the film brings to life a fusion of pleasure mixed with terror. It begins dark, transporting the viewer into a woodsy scene where it must be close to midnight and who knows what can happen in the middle of nowhere.