"卡其米尔茨·库茨" 共找到影视: 9 部
声名与荣耀 3


  • 已更新至7集
  • 1998  

带血的种子 5


  Scenariusz Jerzego Stefana Stawińskiego przedstawia polityczne i psychologiczne uwarunkowania decyzji o rozpoczciu Powstania Warszawskiego. Akcja sztuki toczy si w cigu ostatniego tygodnia lipca 1944 roku. Jej bohaterami s czonkowie najwyszych wadz Armii Krajowej - na czele z gen. Borem-Komorowskim, który wyda historyczny rozkaz - oraz przedstawiciele wszystkich partii ...

保持警戒 1


  Set during the World War II. Story follows a young officer, returning home after lost September 1939 campaign, who organizes an underground network, but is betrayed by a girl who had more interest in him than the cause.

黑土地上的盐 3


  A Polish father and his seven sons fight the Germans when their region in Upper Silenia becomes part of Germany after the Treaty of Versailles. Heroic Poles engage in guerilla warfare against the Germans, who are demoralized since their defeat in World War I. The working class rise up against the political change, and when an Army officer joins them, he is immediately killed du...

跃 3

  In making WHOEVER MAY KNOW, Kutz demonstrated a true passion for documentary filmmaking, something that would come through again in SKOK / THE LEAP (1967), in which Kutz depicted the community of a PGR (collective farm) without a shade of sentimentality, indulgence or condescension. Based on a short story by writer and reporter Edmund Gluchowski, the film depicts Polish country...

死亡就像是一片面包 1


  The violence and high drama of this film is taken directly from recent Polish history. On December 13, 1981 national security forces swoop down on unsuspecting workers of the Wujek mine and arrest a Solidarity leader. Pushed to the limits, the miners call a massive strike, which is specifically forbidden under the martial law. A battle between the heavily armed police and the o...

我活了十七回 1


  • 正片

  Opowie o yciu prywatnymi i zawodowym Jerzego Kawalerowicza. Czowieka, który sztuce filmowej powici si bez reszty. Dziki filmom naradza si 17 razy, bo - jak zawsze podkrela - kady kolejny film by jego nowym yciem.

一代人 2


  • 已完结
  • 1955  


下水道 8


  1944年9月底,悲剧性的华沙起义已接近尾声,一支波兰“国家军”在中尉查德拉(Wienczyslaw Glinski 饰)带领下驻防一栋破败的建筑。华沙市内被德军分块切断,与家人失散的作曲家米考只好在这支30人小队中栖身。悬殊的军事差距让战士们心灰意懒,米考的钢琴声有些怪异的飘荡在废墟上空。德军的小型攻势很快让队伍无法招架,全员进入下水道转移阵地。
  本片获1957年戛纳电影节评委会大奖。是导演安杰依·瓦伊达(Andrzej Wajda)战争三部曲的第二部。