"卡洛·利扎尼" 共找到影视: 48 部
GiovannaCau-DiversamenteGiovane 10


  The life and career of Giovanna Cau, legendary Marcello Mastroianni's, Federico Fellini's, Sophia Loren's agent told by herself. One of the first female agent and lawyers in cinema industry in Italy in her first series of interviews at age 88.

作者笔记 7


VittorioraccontaGassman:Unavitadamattatore 10


  Venice Film Fest to honor Vittorio Gassman ROME -- The Venice Film Festival said Wednesday it would honor iconic Italian actor Vittorio Gassman with a special tribute on the tenth anniversary of his death. The tribute, which has been rumored in the Italian press for weeks, will get underway with the Sept. 1 world premiere screening of the documentary "Vittorio racconta Gassman"...

告别恩里科·贝林格 2


  Documentario girato durante i funerali, svoltisi a Roma, di Enrico Berlinguer, segretario del Partito Comunista Italiano.

AlfredoBini,ospiteinatteso 6


  The movie is shot almost like a mystery: through the testimony of actors, directors and friends, what is revealed is the human energy and the life of one of our most courageous and liberated producers. The intention is to go "beyond" the traditional biographical documentary, constructing the account in a composite style, which mixes unusual "offstage" inserts with more traditio...

LaCelestinaP...R... 8


疯疯癫癫 8


  Achille, fattorino nelle sede di un importante quotidiano, sogna di fare il giornalista, ed un giorno è scambiato per tale. Il suo amico Gigi, un affarista, contando sulla sua ingenuità, lo induce a preparare insieme una grossa rapina, giusto per essere il primo ad annunziare la notizia al giornale. Il colpo consiste nel rapire dei cani di razza, sostituendoli con dei bastardi....

Cattiva 8


Amoripericolosi 10


Aimarginidellametropoli 7


罗马的黄金 5


  Rome 1943. The German Commandant of the city wants fifty kilograms of gold from the Jewish community in two days, and if they don't get it, they want two hundred heads of the Jewish families as hostages instead.This creates a huge panic in the community.

亲切的哥巴茨茄维 6


格拉米格纳的情人 3


方塔马拉 10


群山染赤 1


  At the end of the Civil War, 2 Confederates holding stolen Union money and chased by Union troops separate, one escaping with the loot and the other getting a 5-year prison term.