"卢卡·津加雷蒂" 共找到影视: 28 部
DinnerClubSeason2 9


  • 已更新至6集
  • 2023  

蒙塔巴诺督查第一季 2


  • 已更新至2集
  • 1999  

  Inspector Montalbano (Italian: Il commissario Montalbano) is an Italian television series produced and broadcast by RAI since 1999, based on the detective novels of Andrea Camilleri. The protagonist is Commissario Salvo Montalbano, and the stories are set in the imaginary town of Vigàta, Sicily. In 2012 the series generated a prequel, Il giovane Montalbano (English: The Young M...

Ilre 10


  • 最新更新
  • 2022  

  Bruno applies his own personal idea of justice inside his prison while outside of it his life is far from ordered. When his kingdom unexpectedly comes under threat, he finds himself fighting the most difficult war of his life.

蒙塔巴诺督查:小提琴之声 9


  • 已更新至1集
  • 1999  

  Il film Tv La voce del violino in onda mercoledì 4 giugno 2008 alle 21.10 su Rai Uno
  La trasposizione televisiva dei romanzi di Andrea Camilleri, avviata nel 1998, ha avuto un successo clamoroso, tanto da diventare un vero caso televisivo, uno dei migliori prodotti della fiction europea degli ultimi anni, tale da mettere d'accordo pubblico e critica e da meritare al pari dei li...

我生命中的所有女人 10


  Lovely light comedy score full of melodic charm

谢谢你的凡士林 6


今夜无承诺 9


  The film follows the misguided, troubled lives of four men in their 40's living in a cold, aloof Rome.

周年庆 6


伏天 2


  Francesco is an active entrepreneur in the building industry. His firm is near to collapse if it won't win a deal to build a new school complex. It needs at least 60 Mn Lire (30k Euro) to participate to the deal, but all the banks refuse to lend the money it needs. A corrupted bank employee introduces Francesco to Claudio, apparently an assistant of Sergio, Francesco's old scho...

蒙塔巴诺督查第九季 1


  • 已更新至4集
  • 2013  

  Set in Sicily, Italy, and based on a series of novels, INSPECTOR MONTALBANO has proved successful in various parts of Europe.It takes a lot to infuse what might be termed an over-familiar genre with touches of originality, but INSPECTOR MONTALBANO achieves this task successfully. This is chiefly due to the int...

高卢英雄拯救英格兰 5


  • 已完结
  • 2012  

  “高卢英雄”喜剧系列又有了新篇章,此次高卢英雄们要为女王服务,抵抗凯撒率领的罗马兵团入侵。本次导演是专拍法式文艺爱情片的劳伦·泰拉德,曾经以《莫里哀情史》留名法国影史,而拍起喜剧来他丝毫没有束手束脚,延续了该系列之前疯癫、夸张的搞笑方式,并且新加入了英式法语将英国与法国的历史恩仇调侃个够。影片阵容强大,“大鼻子情圣” 杰拉尔·德帕迪约继续压阵,法国国宝级女星凯瑟琳·德纳芙扮演女王尽现雍容。

玫瑰岛的不可思议的历史 3


  • 已完结
  • 2020  

  有天赋却被人误解的工程师乔治奥跌入了人生谷底,他被解雇了,父母也不和他讲话,并且在他意外令自己和女友被捕后(说来话长…),女友抛弃了他。厌倦了 60 年代末沉闷的意大利社会,乔治奥制定了一个不可能的计划;他要在海中建造自己的岛。在一群革命者和被驱逐者的加入下,玫瑰岛共和国成立并宣布独立,乔治奥被任命为总统。然而,他们的团队价值观和应变能力将受到考验,因为意大利总理认为乔治奥的理想岛是意大利的头号敌人。《玫瑰岛》由希德尼·希比利亚(《玩命毒师》三部曲)执导,由 Grenlandia(《The First King》)出品,是一部基于真实故事改编的滑稽喜剧,剧中充斥着反叛精神。

天气晴有时多云 6


  Two friends, founders of a cooperative that produce couches and that it is found in a situation of bankruptcy, a night, while they are digging for hiding some stems that it would cost too much to digest, they discover some oil. This will make contradictions and conflicts explode among the two.

小淘气尼古拉的假期 8


  • 已完结
  • 2014  
