"吉洛·彭泰科沃" 共找到影视: 13 部
作者笔记 7


告别恩里科·贝林格 2


  Documentario girato durante i funerali, svoltisi a Roma, di Enrico Berlinguer, segretario del Partito Comunista Italiano.

蔚蓝大路 6


  The remarkable debut feature directed by Gillo Pontecorvo, famed for THE BATTLE OF ALGIERS and BURN!, in a beautiful, newly restored version thanks to the efforts of Jonathan Demme, Dustin Hoffman and Milestone Film. Set in a fishing village off Italy's Dalmatian coast, under a brilliant, turquoise sky, Yves Montand plays Squarcio, a rogue fisherman who manages to feed his fami...

奥科罗行动 8


  这部电影是基于西班牙巴斯克埃塔组织于1973年12月20日,成功暗杀佛朗哥独裁政权的总理,海军上将布兰科公爵 (Don Luis Carrero Blanco)的历史事件而改编的.在1973年末,佛朗哥仍然是西班牙的铁腕执政者,他禁止反对党和劳工运动,无情地追捕巴斯克民族主义者.但同时他已经年迈,所以要解决政权的连续性和接班人问题.海军上将布兰科有足够的权威和经验并得到佛朗哥的信任.因此对于秘密的巴斯克埃塔组织而言,他们必须要除掉他.一个大胆的计划形成了,它需要小心翼翼地去执行

笨人一族 7


FrancoCristaldieilsuocinemaParadiso 3


  Starting in the 50s, miles and miles of film reels testify to Franco Cristaldi's passion and commitment to producing the best Italian and European cinema over the course of his career. Repeatedly honored with the most prestigious international awards at Cannes, Venice, and Hollywood, Cristaldi had a saying: "Every film must be a prototype."

RitornoadAlgeri 6


Carosello 2


  • 已更新至200集
  • 1957  

  Carosello was a 10-minute television program made of short stories and sketches, which were followed by a short commercial message.

零点地带 6


  14岁的伊迪斯(苏珊·斯塔丝伯格 Susan Strasberg 饰)和母亲一起被关进了集中营,没过多久,伊迪斯的母亲就惨遭纳粹杀害。幸运的是,伊迪斯在集中营里认识了一位名叫索菲亚(迪迪·佩雷戈 Didi Perego 饰)的医生,良心未泯的她为伊迪斯提供了很多的保护和帮助,她甚至给伊迪斯捏造了一个新的身份,让她最终免于了被杀害的命运。
  坚强的伊迪斯开始尝试着通过自己的努力生存下去,哪怕不择手段。渐渐的,伊迪斯混出了头,成为了囚犯的管理人。某日,她爱上了一位名为萨沙(劳伦特·特兹弗 Laurent Terzieff 饰)的俄罗斯战俘,这段感情让她决定执行一个帮助囚犯逃往的计划。

阿尔及尔之战 10


  • 已完结
  • 1966  


奎马达政变 2


  In the 1830's, the island of Quemada in the Antilles is a Portuguese colony - that is, until an English agent provocateur arrives and inspires the black slaves to rise and expel the colonial authorities. However, as is always the way with revolutions, a group of middle-class power brokers seizes political control and the people's aspirations are betrayed.
  Ten years pass, and th...