"埃利奥特·纽金特" 共找到影视: 16 部
难为了母亲 10


  Nellie Rimplegar has to tell her grown children that due to her bungled handling of their finances, the family has been wiped out by the Stock Market crash. Friend and family doctor, Alan Stevens, tells them they'll all need to eliminate their extravagant ways and get jobs. Stevens also rents a room in their house more as a way to be near pretty Elizabeth Rimplegar, than to hel...

AndSoTheyWereMarried 4


滑头君子 8


  Stockbroker T.T.Ralston has promised his neice Gwen to double it if she can raise $20,000. for charity. But he connives so those she asks refuse to give her more than the $10,000 she's already raised. Gwen secretly gives T.T.'s new partner Steve Bennett the $10,000 and asks him to double it. Later in a discussion with T.T., business partner Dick and client Van, about truth in b...

水晶美人 9


夫人请进 10


  Enter Madame! Appropriately carries an exclamation point in its title. Each and every time we meet Madame Lisa (pronounced Leeza) Della Robbia, opera prima donna, the audience is bombarded with the noise and activity of her entourage. Her doctor, Doc; her manager, Mr. Farnum; her lady-in-waiting, Bice; her cook, Archimede; her dog, Toto; her parrot; and her husband, Gerald Fitz...

捍卫英雄 10


LifeBegins 9



LocalBoyMakesGood 8


律政奸雄 5


  When a hot young prosecutor learns that a man he got convicted and executed was in fact innocent, he quits his DA job and becomes a defense attorney. He grows rich and powerful defending guilty racketeers, but eventually sees the errors of his ways.

猫与金丝雀 1


  Ten years have passed since the death of millionaire, Cyrus Norman. Cosby, Cyrus’ attorney, has gathered Cyrus’ 6 remaining relatives to his New Orleans’ mansion for Cyrus’ “reading of the will”. To the others disappointment, Joyce is the sole heir, but, due to a streak of insanity running in the family, a second will has been made in case Joyce falls victim to it. This puts Jo...

她爱不爱我 7


  Curly Flagg, Philadelphia nightclub dancer, witnesses a murder and runs away to avoid being held as material witness. Landing in Princeton, she hides out in a college dorm, decked out in men's clothes and haircut by students Paul and Buzz. Soon, converging on Princeton are: 1) publicity men for Buzz's dad's movie studio; 2) Paul's irate fiancée Frances; 3) killer Mugg, who want...

校园长春树 6



美艳亲王 2


  Baby photographer Ronnie Jackson, on death row in San Quentin, tells reporters how he got there: taking care of his private-eye neighbor's office, Ronnie is asked by the irresistible Baroness Montay to find the missing Baron. There follow confusing but sinister doings in a gloomy mansion and a private sanatorium, with every plot twist a parody of thriller cliches. What are the ...

TheVirtuousHusband 8


WivesNeverKnow 7
