"多利·沃特斯" 共找到影视: 11 部
魔鬼的王冠 10


  • 已更新至13集
  • 1978  

  The Devil's Crown was a BBC television series which dramatised the reigns of three medieval Kings of England: Henry II and his sons Richard the Lionheart and John Lackland.

神探布尔曼 2


  • 已更新至20集
  • 1985  

  Bulman is a Granada TV series which ran from 1985–1987 and followed the fortunes of the major character from the earlier XYY Man and Strangers series.
  Bulman was based - increasingly loosely - on the character featured in the XYY Man novels by Kenneth Royce.
  In this incarnation, Don Henderson appeared again as former Detective Chief Inspector George Bulman, ostensibly retired f...

华泽尔·古米治 6


  Children's series about the adventures of Worzel Gummidge (Jon Pertwee), a scarecrow who comes to life.

"PlayforToday"SoftTargets 10


  A minor Soviet official, on secondment in London, begins to break the rules in the hope of being sent back to Russia, and becomes entangled emotionally with a young woman whom he accompanies to a society wedding.

TrunkCrime 4


  When a wealthy, lonely university music student is beaten and has his apartment trashed by a fellow dorm resident-bully and his gang, he goes mad, lures the bully into his room on pretense of forgiveness, slips him a paralyzing agent in a drink, throws him in a trunk and locks him in, and taunts the bully with the promise that he will be buried alive in the trunk. Only, once he...

吸血鬼马戏团 6


  • 已完结
  • 1972  

  此片不同于以往的 Hammer 吸血鬼的故事模式,描写由吸血鬼化身而成的巡迴马戏团来到一个已经遭受诅咒与疫情的村落,并且带来灾难的故事。此部片的故事背景设定在19世纪的塞尔维亚,这些如吉普赛人般的马戏团成员事实上都是会变身的吸血鬼。

两手准备 3


  在监狱中Peter Sellers策划了一个完美的抢劫计划。他要趁别人注意到他之前越狱去偷一颗能给人带来好运的钻石。在宣判之前,无懈可击的辩词和能带来好运的钻石,哪个能帮到他?

蛛网 1



福尔摩斯与致命项链 4


  本片是英国导演Terence Fisher拍摄的第二部福尔摩斯电影,前一部是1959年汉默公司出品,由Peter Cushing主演的《巴斯克维尔猎犬》,我以前也翻过一个中文字幕。在59版《猎犬》中扮演亨利·巴斯克维尔爵士的演员,影坛老戏骨Christopher Lee在本片中扮演福尔摩斯。后来他还在比利·怀尔德的《福尔摩斯的私生活》里扮演迈克罗夫特·福尔摩斯,并在90年代的两部电视电影《福尔摩斯与女主演》、《维多利亚瀑布事件》中再次扮演福尔摩斯。他在本片中的搭档Thorley Walters,曾在四部电影中扮演过华生,另外三部分别是《架步春光》(1969)、《福尔摩斯兄弟历险记》(1975)与《银色马》(1977),此外他还在1983年版《四签名》里客串了舒尔托上校。

科学怪人创造的女人 5


银额马 8
