"多瓦勒·格利克曼" 共找到影视: 8 部
慕尼黑游戏第一季 6


  • 已更新至6集
  • 2022  

  在慕尼黑大屠杀事件发生 50 年后,作为对事件遇难者纪念仪式的一部分,现在的慕尼黑正在举办一场以色列和德国足球俱乐部之间的友谊足球比赛。针对这场足球比赛,警察和特勤局都处于高度戒备状态,以确保活动的安全。但是就在比赛开始前几天,驻柏林的以色列特工奥伦·西蒙在一个暗网论坛上截获了一条消息,事情开始分崩离析,似乎历史可能会再次重演。怎么避免这样的时间发生,成为当下棘手的问题。摩萨德特工与德国警方联手合作,排查一切可能的袭击风险。在以色列队抵达时,局势升级,大家都在协力找出谁是幕后黑手,就在这时,以色列足球俱乐部的老板Jackie Igelski勒索,原本案件的主要嫌疑人逃走了,比赛开始时,发现有些地方不对劲,与时间赛跑开始了。

莉娜 5


  The story of a woman trying to free her husband from a Russian prison camp. She lives in Israel, organizes strikes, and gains public and press support. But her public life begins to clash with her private life as she falls in love with a Hebrew teacher. This causes tensions in her family and the Israeli Russian community. Her love for the teacher, desire to end her heroic publi...

列维之死 3


谢迪瑟之家 3


  • 已更新至12集
  • 2013  


诺曼 9


  • 已完结
  • 2016  

  Norman Oppenheimer is a small time operator who befriends a young politician at a low point in his life. Three years later, when the politician becomes an influential world leader, Norman's life dramatically changes for better and worse.

大坏狼 8


  这个复仇的故事聚焦于一个叫做Miki的侦探(以色列著名男星利奥·阿什肯纳兹 饰),他遇见了一位失去女儿的父亲,这位父亲将要对杀害他女儿的凶手展开复仇行动,而Miki侦探却并不劝服他遵纪守法,而是藐视法律以牙还牙。

鞋带 10


  'Laces' tells the story of a complicated relationship between an aging father and his special-needs son, whom he abandoned while he was still a young boy. Reuben's (60) kidney's are failing and his son Gadi (35), wants to donate one of his own kidney's to help save his father's life. However, the transplant committee objects to the procedure claiming that Rueben, acting as Gadi...

正直之人 3


  1942年 红军军官尼古拉·基谢廖夫接到命令,将 200 多名暂时还未陷入纳粹魔爪的犹太人从被占领的白俄罗斯土地上撤走—— 这些饱受饥饿折磨、失去亲人、几乎失去理智的人,多是老人、妇女和儿童,他们将不得不沿着林间小道行走数百公里…