"大卫·柯南伯格" 共找到影视: 64 部
Teleplay 7


  • 已更新至1集
  • 1976  

裸体做午餐 1



肉体的恐惧:变蝇人幕后制作 3


  We open with stories of one man's brilliant idea to remake the science fiction classic, _Fly, The (1958)_, into a whole new entity. The end result was David Cronenberg's _Fly, The (1986)_ that revolutionized the genre. Nearly every aspect of the filmmaking process is covered in this mammoth documentary, and in great detail. Sadly, the only thing missing here are some new interv...

世界上最后的电影院中世界上最后一个犹太人的自杀 7


  In an unspecified future, a man prepares to kill himself in a cinema toilet. Two unseen radio commentators say he is the last Jew in the world, and that this is the last cinema, slated for destruction. They are not sorry to see it go.

四个未被爱过的女人,漂浮在漫无目的的海上,体验解剖的喜悦 3


  Surgery is the new sex, 18th-century style. In David Cronenberg’s wry, surrealist miniature, four anatomical female wax models—taken from the collection of Florence’s 250-year-old science museum La Specola—lie in uncanny repose as the camera dreamily caresses their detachable organs, exposed body cavities, and glossy ceroplastic flesh. Under the director’s inimitable gaze, obje...

Boozecan 8


意大利机器 9


  Truthfully I'm not absolutely certain whether this came before or after Shivers. I see the dates listed but you know how production dates can be and so on. Irregardless it's evidence of Cronenberg exploring ideas and themes that interest him (man and his relation to machines in a modern age, morality, seduction, contemporary culture). The camera work is strong and the dialog is...

电影中的恐怖 3


突破世纪第一季 8


  • 已更新至6集
  • 2015  


鲜血淋漓第四季 3


  • 已完结
  • 2021  


别名格蕾丝 3


  • 已更新至6集
  • 2017  

  《别名格蕾丝》的主角格蕾丝·马克斯是一位贫穷、年轻的爱尔兰移民,在上加拿大地区当家庭女佣。1843 年,她和马厩工人詹姆斯·麦克德莫特被控残忍谋杀雇主托马斯·金尼尔和管家南希·蒙哥马利。詹姆斯被判处绞刑,而格蕾丝则被判处终身监禁。在这桩耸人听闻的双重谋杀案中,格蕾丝扮演的角色使她成为 19 世纪 40 年代加拿大最令人费解、最恶名昭著的女性,她在狱中服刑 30 年,最终无罪释放。人们对她的定罪

999号房间 6


  In 1982, Wim Wenders asked 16 of his fellow directors to speak on the future of cinema, resulting in the film Room 666. Now, 40 years later, in Cannes, director Lubna Playoust asks Wim Wenders himself and a new generation of filmmakers (James Gray, Rebecca Zlotowski, Claire Denis, Olivier Assayas, Nadav Lapid, Asghar Farhadi, Alice Rohrwacher and more) the same question: “is ci...

大都会公民 10


浴缸漏到底 5


  This black and white short (roughly 13 mins) is simply brilliant, in my humble opinion. Shot in a darkened bathroom, it concerns a surreal dialogue between two very strange men sitting in a bath (that probably counts as a spoiler for this film). One man is camp and talkative, while the other is a nervous nutter, concerned that a bathplug be placed in the 'drain end of the tub' ...

灵婴 6


  • 已完结
  • 1979  

  国际影坛最富争议性、最成功的导演之一。一九七五年的处女作〈THEY CAME FROM WITHIN〉,以及之后的〈RABID〉,〈VIDEODROME〉都是恐怖片,一般公认这些作品都隐含了丰富的社会议题。柯能堡是加拿大人,善于探讨虚幻与现实,以及外力对这一切造成的影响。新片〈X接触-来自异世界〉结合紧张的动作场面,以及幻想与现实模糊的界限,是柯能保截至目前最有野心、最挑的作品