"大卫·爱登堡" 共找到影视: 122 部
英国广播公司是如何开始的 1


  • 已更新至2集
  • 2022  

  To commemorate the corporation's centenary John Bridcut looks at the challenges and triumphs of today's BBC, which have their roots in the first half century.

但丁TV版——地狱 6


  • 最新更新
  • 1990  

  A TV Dante, produced by Britain’s Channel Four during the 1980s and aired in Britain in 1990, presents the first eight cantos of the Inferno.
  Co-directed by Peter Greenaway and Tom Phillips. Phillips, a composer, artist and critic, is perhaps best known for his interest in the art of the page. His 1983 translation of the Inferno is used for the production. (The rest of the Infe...

动物园探奇 9


  • 最新更新
  • 1954  

  刚进入BBC工作的他很快就崭露头角。1954年BBC播放了一部他和同事为伦敦动物园爬行动物馆到非洲和印度尼西亚捕捉野生动物的纪录片——《动物园探奇》(Zoo Quest)。在这部脍炙人口的节目中,大卫充分展示了他的机智、幽默、敏捷以及对野生动物狂热的喜爱。

CitiesoftheWild 3


生命之岛 7


  South Georgia is an island south-east of South America. For a short period each year the temperatures rise into bearable regions, and the island fills with birds and seals who use the short time for feeding and breeding.

加拉帕哥鬣蜥 4


  The "Calypso" team studies the metabolic adjustments that allow the air-breathing iguana to forage for extended periods underwater. studies the metabolic adjustments that allow the air-breathing iguana to forage for extended periods underwater.

鲸鱼的智慧 8


  人们一直认为,文化交流是让人类社会真正特殊的东西。然而,动物行为主义者已经证明其他物种也有文化。而现在,文化俱乐部有一个新成员:鲸鱼。鲸文化是可以通过信息共享的程度来衡量的。现在已经发现鲸鱼不仅具有高级智慧,而且他们可以利用智慧分享知识并相应地改变他们的行为。海洋生物学家和自然电影制片人罗森塔尔(Rick Rosenthal)一路追踪鲸鱼从巴哈马到阿拉斯加,再从挪威到亚速尔群岛,他不仅要发现鲸鱼正在做什么,同时也要洞察他们的想法。
  解说(德语):Bernd Birkhahn
  解说(英语):David Attenborough
  Executive producers: Susanne Lummer, Sabine Holzer
  A Terra Mater Factual Studios production in co-production with ...

爱登堡和海底巨兽 8


  Sir David Attenborough to explore UK's prehistoric era in Attenborough and the Giant Sea Monster (w/t) for BBC One and iPlayer
  The documentary follows David as he unearths the discovery of a lifetime: the skull of a giant Pliosaur, one of the most ferocious Jurassic predators ever known.

GorillaRevisitedwithDavidAttenborough 1


  David Attenborough recounts his experiences with the mountain gorillas of Rwanda, and reveals how conservationists have tried to save them from the brink of extinction.

TheGreatestWildlifeShowonEarth 4


  Follow the path of the sun on its annual cycle, from the Equator, across the northern hemisphere and into the South. Witness a world bursting with life, as spring and summer follow the passage of the sun. Revealed in all their glory are the natural rhythms of life - the urge to breed, to feed and to raise young - all driven by the sun, the moon and the seasons, across the world...

如此气候 5


  Global multidisciplinary cultural organization Liberatum will release a new film called 'In This Climate...', a powerful new documentary about the environment and climate change, directed by Liberatum founder Pablo Ganguli and Liberatum creative director Tomas Auksas. This compelling and thought provoking documentary features some of the most eminent thinkers and celebrated cre...

AllAboutTwo:BBCTwo's50thAnniversarySpecial 3


  Quiz and celebration of 50 years of the BBC's second channel, hosted by Dara O Briain. With Richard Osman supplying extra facts and figures, celebrity teams and guest spots from the channel's past and present, All About TWO tells you everything you've ever wanted to know about the channel but didn't know you wanted to ask. It's part celebration, part quiz and all love.

WildlifeonOne 8


  • 正片

冰冻星球第一季 8


  • 已更新至7集
  • 2011  

  纪录片的解说员大卫·艾登堡(David Attenborough)爵士称,这可能是人类在地球气 候产生剧烈变化前欣赏到这一景象的最后的机会了。现年85岁的艾登堡爵士说,“这部纪录片捕捉了此前从未记录下来的很多行为和现象。随着时间的流逝,这些影像将会变得越来越珍贵,因为这很可能是我们最后的机会去记录下这些珍贵的场景。虽然在我们到达前的数百年甚至几千年前,地球两极的景象非常壮观,但是最近一个世纪以来,很多变化已经超过了人们的认识。”