"奥兹·奥斯朋" 共找到影视: 17 部
RockinRio 8


  • 最新更新
  • 1985  

  After 10 years away from home, after gathering more than 5 million people in nine editions, after all the success in Europe, Rock in Rio is happy to return to its hometown. In September 2011, get ready to relive the excitement of the world's biggest music festival.

&Music 4


  • 已更新至6集
  • 2020  

  "When you're working with someone, you open up on such a vulnerable level." &MUSIC. Coming to Quibi on April 6.

名人豪宅秀第一季 4


  • 已更新至8集
  • 2000  

  MTV从2000年开始制作的节目,大批居住在美国的名人接受采访,他们独具个性的豪宅,家居设计,花园,个人收藏,还有名车座骑!超喜欢看,真的是豪宅秀啊!MTV曾经砍掉n个reality show但是这个一直保持住了收视率,所以至今仍在热播中。强烈推荐!

上帝保佑奥兹·奥斯本 3


  Ozzy Osbournes four decade track record as a culturally relevant artist is unprecedented, but his personal struggles have been shrouded in secrecy, until now. Featuring never before seen footage uncovered from the archives and interviews with Paul McCartney, Tommy Lee and others, God Bless Ozzy Osbourne is he first documentary to take viewers inside the complex mind of Rock's g...

Biography:TheNineLivesofOzzyOsbourne 5


  For over five decades, Ozzy Osbourne has personified rock and roll, from his childhood in poverty and time in prison, to fronting metal band Black Sabbath, a successful solo career and a lovable 21st century television dad.

LedZeppelin:Dazed&Confused 10


  A rare look at Led Zeppelin, from their humble beginnings to their status as rock gods. Take a journey where incredible heights and extreme lows helped forge one of the greatest rock bands ever.

吉诺密欧与朱丽叶 10


  蒙塔古太太和凯普莱特先生是一对互相嫌弃的老邻居,他们一个将房屋全部漆成蓝色,一个漆成红色。各自的花园里则居住着两个矮人精灵家族,与主人们一样,蓝色与红色精灵家族也是一篱笆之隔的生死冤家,平日里他们是陶瓷摆件,没人时便开始打个你死我活。一天夜里,红色家族首领的女儿朱丽叶( 艾米丽·布朗特 Emily Blunt 配音)偷偷前去寻找一朵有魔力的奇异兰花,不巧却碰上了蓝色家族的勇士吉诺米欧(詹姆斯·麦卡沃伊 James McAvoy 配音),一场争夺之战却鬼使神差地在奇异兰的催化下演变成电光火石的爱情萌芽。从此,两人展开了秘密的热恋,彼此相爱的他们也开始对两家的世仇质疑起来。然而此时,红蓝家族间的战争却已愈演愈烈,面对着高高的篱笆与无休止的硝烟,两个小人的爱情是否仍旧无法逃脱早已被莎翁写好的剧情呢?

淘气大侦探 8


  • 已完结
  • 2018  

  备受喜爱的花园装饰小矮人糯米欧(詹姆斯·麦卡沃伊 James McAvoy 配音)和茱丽叶(艾米莉·布朗特 Emily Blunt 配音)回来了,这回他们将前往伦敦展开全新的冒险旅程。当糯米欧和茱丽叶第一次和家人朋友来到这个城市的时候,他们最担心的就是新的花园能否及时在春天的来临前准备好,但是他们很快就发现有人到处在绑架小矮人。有天当两人回到家时,发现他们花园裡的小矮人们全都消失了!唯一能帮助他们的就是一个名叫糯尔摩斯(约翰尼·德普 Johnny Depp 配音)的小矮人。这位誓言保护全伦敦的花园装饰小矮人的名侦探和他的搭档华生(切瓦特·埃加福特 Chiwetel Ejiofor 配音)开始调查这个案件。这个谜团将会引领他们前往一个新的冒险旅程!他们将遇见很多前所未见的装饰角色,并探索城市未被发现的一面。

魔界舞男 2


  A bullied teenage boy is devastated after the death of his heavy metal idol, Sammi Curr. But as Hallowe'en night approaches, he discovers that he may be the only one who can stop Sammi from making a Satanic comeback from beyond the grave.

魔发精灵2 1


  • 已完结
  • 2020  


Hard'NHeavyVolume2 3


  • 最新更新
  • 1989  

Hellraisers 9


  An affectionate look at celebrity hellraisers whose shocking antics and outrageous exploits have gained them both ridicule and respect.

Don'tBlameMe 1


  It is hardly a Biography, but it does show a great deal more of Ozzy than many films do. It covers territory that really does reveal more of the human side, as well as a great deal of the rock star side.

TheOsbournes:NightofTerror 1


  • 最新更新
  • 2020  

  In the special Jack, Kelly Ozzy and Sharon are going on their first-ever paranormal investigation.