"奈塔·里斯金" 共找到影视: 6 部
FalseFlag2 10


  • 最新更新
  • 2019  

  The Israeli series starts with a bang, with an explosion catapulting the audience into the lives of three suspects believed to have blown up an Israeli-Turkish oil pipeline on the day it opened. The attack has consequences at the highest political levels, but it also sends th...

大马士革掩护行动 4


  • 已完结
  • 2017  


EastSide 6


  • 最新更新
  • 2023  

  East Side follows Momi, an ex-Secret Service agent-turned-fixer who plays by his own rules as he brokers shady property deals between the Arab residents of East Jerusalem, and the powerful Jewish groups trying to take control of the area by whatever means possible. Brooding and well-connected, Momi slips between communities with ease. But behind his cool facade, the deadly cons...

UntitledOriElon/miniSeries 7


  • 最新更新
  • 2024  

  Austrian-Jewish journalist and playwright Theodor Herzl, who played a significant role in founding the modern state of Israel.A prominent figure in Jewish history and is considered the visionary.

爱与黑暗的故事 9


  • 已完结
  • 2015  


诺曼 9


  • 已完结
  • 2016  

  Norman Oppenheimer is a small time operator who befriends a young politician at a low point in his life. Three years later, when the politician becomes an influential world leader, Norman's life dramatically changes for better and worse.