"安娜琳·麦考德" 共找到影视: 23 部
圣诞游行 2


  Hailee Anderson (AnnaLynne McCord), the famous talk show host, is preparing for the holiday season by working; she's planning her very important TV show, her Christmas special. Already a scrooge, Hailee is even more miserable when she finds out her real-estate fiancée Jason (Drew Scott) is cheating on her - on air. To clear her head, she goes on a drive and ends up in Carver Be...

但丁酒店 10


  When an unknown assailant preys on a haunted hotel's patrons, an event planner teams up with a mysterious tenant who's dark past is the key to freeing the cursed hotel

全面控诉 1


  Liz and Andrew are on their anniversary trip in Hawaii when Liz wakes up to discover her husband missing and evidence of an invasion all around her. But with no witnesses, she's immediately labeled the prime suspect. Without any help from the system that failed her, Liz must solve the crime herself with the possibility that her husband may still be alive

新飞越比佛利第四季 9


  • 已更新至24集
  • 2011  

  该剧的故事发生在洛杉矶著名的富人区--比佛利山,主角是一群富家子弟。整整10年的时间里,《90210》讲述了这群年轻人从高中相识,到步入社会各奔前程的成长历程。这些人中,有的成了朋友,有的成了恋人,有的则产生了矛盾。在第四季的开始里,我们的主人公从西比佛利高中毕业了。N aomi整个夏天都在思考自己怀孕的事情,并且很快发现自己在大学里的地位可远不如在高中时那么风光。Annie得到了令她感觉意外的消息,并因此而留在城里,而Liam结束了自己的「夏季远行」,准备正式向Annie作出爱情承诺。Navid和Silver同居以后,一个意想不到的来访者将再次考验他们的感情。倒霉的Dixon既失去了住的地方,又失去了室友。Adrianna回来为自己的行为赎罪,但这并非易事。Raj的健康状况继续恶化,令Ivy十分担心。www xiguatv8.com Teddy则继...

新飞越比佛利第三季 5


  • 已更新至22集
  • 2010  

  The third season will welcome the West Beverly kids to their senior year of high school. It will be the time of college acceptances and lovers’ rejections. The time of prom dates and promises betrayed. The time of spring break,break-ups, and make-ups. This will all happen in a world of sun and fun,palm trees, and warm sea breezes,success, and excess. From the very beginning of...

新飞越比佛利第二季 9


  • 已更新至22集
  • 2009  

  It was reported that in season 2, Dixon and Silver's relationship will suffer due to two new characters, Sasha, an African-American woman who pursues Dixon, and Teddy, a tennis champ who pursues Silver and later Adrianna. Annie will also go through hard times and feel isolated from the group, Dixon will abandon her because he gets "sick of her drama" when nude photos of her sur...

夜班医生第四季 8


  • 已更新至10集
  • 2017  


秘密与谎言第二季 5


  • 已更新至10集
  • 2016  


士兵复仇记 5


  Haunted by wartime horrors, Civil War soldier-turned-bounty-hunter Frank Connor (Neal Bledsoe) spends his time post-war polishing off two things: whiskey and fugitives. When two desperate children arrive on his doorstep and enlist his help to find their missing mother (AnnaLynne McCord), Frank must face his past in order to take down the notorious Major Briggs ...

坏女孩岛 5


野性地带 9


  • 电影解说
  • 2020  

  A misfit gang of runaways and orphans are taken in by a dark and charismatic father figure who together wreak havoc throughout swamps and trailer parks of central Florida.

夺命穿心 4


蔑视:残酷不伦史 8


  • 已完结
  • 2013  


五音不全 4


  • 已完结
  • 2019  

  A woman goes to the countryside to spend a quiet weekend after losing her job and having her last complicated relationship implode. She rents a country house to an old-fashioned widower, who struggles to hide his pyschopatic tendencies.

圣诞老人的小助手 2


  After getting fired from his job, a slick, fast-talking businessman (The Miz) is thrown into an elf competition to become Santa1s next second-in-command. Put through a series of rigorous training exercises to prepare for the contest, The Miz and another aspiring elf go head-to-head in the hopes of becoming Santa1s Little Helper.