"安迪·德怀恩" 共找到影视: 27 部
NaughtyBaby 1


银翼春秋 2


  Plot #1 is the love triangle between two guys and one girl as they grow into adults and affiliate themselves in the new aircraft industry. Plot #2 is aircraft evolution from the days of Wilbur and Orville Wright to just prior to WWII.

活力四射的青春 4


  Bucky O'Brien has entered Notre Dame University from Hookerville, where he was the school's big football star. His enthusiasm for the sport induces his roommate, Jim Stewart, to try out for the team. After some initial cockiness, Bucky works hard and becomes a real asset to the team. In their junior year, both Bucky and Jim are left halfbacks. Although Bucky is the better playe...

TheRoadHustlers 5


克朗代克河传奇 5


LegionofLostFlyers 4


  A group of pilots, because of unsavory or unearned reputations, establish an outpost squadron of their own, led by "Loop" Gillian, running charter-flights and hauling supplies in the frozen wastelands of Alaska. The operation does not go without misadventures, foul-ups, and a bit of treachery tossed in.

边蛮喋血 4


红粉双枪侠 8


亲历好莱坞:30年代 10


锦绣天 3


絃歌博士 5


深入敌营 4


  A reporter goes undercover to break up an outlaw gang.

迈拉·布来金里治 8


  Myron Breckinridge is waiting for his sex-change operation while a stoned surgeon stumbles into the operating room. Before the drugged doctor begins Myron's operation, he counsels him. Myron persists and the doctor goes through with it. An enthusiastic audience observing the operation applauds the medical achievement and rises in a standing ovation. After the operation, Myron a...

YellowJack 9


  In 1898 Cuba, U.S. troops who have survived the Spanish-American War are now dying by the hundreds from disease: yellow fever, known as "yellow jack." Major Walter Reed, an Army physician, struggles to find the cause of the infection and to overcome governmental interference. When an answer seems at last possible, Reed decides that the only way to test the theory is to expose h...

TheAll-American 7


  All-American football player Gary King decides not to graduate instead joining a get rich quick scheme selling bonds. He succeeds but quickly blows his earnings on women and gambling. When his brother suffers the same fate, he agrees to play in a game that features current All-Americans and past stars. The movie features top coaches of the era, as well as the 1931 All America F...