"崔斯坦姆·鲍威尔" 共找到影视: 8 部
WithoutMotive 7


  • 已更新至12集
  • 2000  

  Ross Kemp, a talented actor, plays the main character Jack Mowbray, a police detective (and family man) tasked to a team out to catch a cold-blooded killer who appears to have attacked several young women. The team runs into problems (not the least of which is: too many chiefs) and finally gets their man by Episode 6. Episode 7-12 deal with the aftermath of the court case, incl...

法官约翰·迪德第五季 2


  • 已更新至6集
  • 2006  

  A black prisoner is killed by his white cellmate, who is a known racist and although the Prison Service claims they shared as a result of overcrowding, Deed suspects that they simply weren't up to the task. Jo's relationship with Deed grows further apart when Marc returns.

卡瓦纳诉讼第五季 9


  • 已更新至4集
  • 1999  

  1. "Previous Convictions" (8 March 1999)
  A RAF Jet Provost trainer crashes into a crowded moto-cross event killing 22 people. One of these is a friend of Kavanagh's son. The RAF Corporal responsible for maintenance commits *******, pinning the blame at his lover, Charlotte Sinclair (Anna Ryan). She is tried for theft and conspiracy to murder. Sabotage or human error Kavanagh h...

索拉伯爵 7


战地神探第四季 2


  • 已更新至4集
  • 2006  

  《战地神探》是2002年至2015年在英国ITV播出的以二战和冷战初期为背景的历史侦探剧,共八季28集。第四季的剧情背景设置在1942年至1943年间,共由Invasion、 Bad Blood、Bleak Midwinter、Casualties of War四集组成。

战地神探第五季 7


  • 已更新至3集
  • 2008  

  PLAN OF ATTACK—With the Hastings police force suffering attrition and low morale, Foyle comes out of retirement to probe the mysterious death of a cartographer from the Air Ministry office.
  BROKEN SOULS—The murder of an ambitious young doctor at the local psychiatric clinic produces no shortage of suspects among the staff and patients, many of whom still experience the war’s ho...

闪光的氰化物 6


  本片根据著名侦探小说家阿加莎·克里斯蒂的小说改编,故事情节和人物关系都略有改动,克里斯蒂小说的拥趸不应错过这样的好戏。乔治·巴顿是个白手起家的千万富翁,虽然上了年纪,但却娶了 年轻貌美的罗丝玛丽为妻。在一次他组织的社交晚会上,罗丝玛丽在饮酒后突然死亡,检验结果表明,罗丝玛丽的酒里掺有致命的氰化钾,于是同桌的客人都成了杀人嫌疑犯。此事惊动了首相办公室的麦凯恩,他召集旧部杰弗里上校及其妻子凯瑟琳联手调查此案。作为资深的调查员,老夫妻杰弗里和凯瑟琳一方面兴奋,一方面还要瞒着家人办案,因为儿孙们对他们的身份都不清楚。他们先了解了同桌的客人,除了乔治和罗丝玛丽,在场的还有乔治的私人助理露丝、文化体育部长斯蒂芬和妻子瑞贝卡、巴顿赞助的球队的主力菲茨杰拉德,以及罗丝玛丽的妹妹艾丽斯和姨妈露西亚。通过尸检报告,杰弗里和凯瑟琳了解到,罗丝玛丽身亡前两周做过流产,而她和...

Trial&RetributionXIX:Tracks 2


  • 已更新至2集
  • 2008  

  Trial & Retribution: Season 11, Episode 9
  Tracks: Part 1 (20 Mar. 2008)
  Self-made man Ray Herper and his bright teenage son Andy are seen to be driving at a chalk pit. The next day the corpse of young Maria Cole is found there and the police trace the tracks to the Harpers. Andy has a friend Darren, who is lower class and has had dealings with the police. The boys admit to bein...