"布里吉特·格罗瑟姆" 共找到影视: 9 部
KlausKinski-IchbinkeinSchauspieler 6


  Klaus Kinski is one of the few German actors who has achieved international fame. He made headlines. And disappeared behind them. Kinski lived his parts 24/7. This film tells the story of a man who no longer could understand the difference or distinguish between fantasy and reality.

红色的迷醉 3


  "Der rote Rausch" is the story of a schizophrenic murderer who suffers from amnesia regarding his deeds. Beginning to grasp them, he went to a sanatorium. Klaus Kinski, in his debut as main actor, is playing the murderer who is obsessed by necklaces of red corals.

Matze,KebabundSauerkraut 10


  Die Handlung
  Das Schicksal nimmt seinen Lauf, als Noah unvermittelt vor Charlottes Auto luft: ein Schlag auf den Kopf und Liebe auf den ersten Blick. Doch leider ist Charlotte vergeben. Als Akim die junge Frau auf deren Verlobungsfeier sieht, ist es auch um ihn geschehen.
  Trotz ihrer unterschiedlichen Religionen – Noah ist Jude und Akim Moslem – spielte Religion nie eine Rolle...

GreteMinde 1


IhrschnsterTag 10


奇怪的女伯爵 1


  The Weird Countess can easily stand in line with the best film noir masterpieces. It builds a nightmarish mood up to the point when the viewer is sickened by not knowing what exactly is going on. It's structurally very well crafted and employs some very good actors - such as the legends of German cinema Marianne Hoppe and Lil Dagover, breathtakingly beautiful at 74. There's als...

爱乐风雨情 2


  • 已完结
  • 2011  

  汉娜(Brigitte Grothum 饰)、阿布拉夏(Elin Kolev 饰)和莱利萨(Imogen Burrell 饰)是三名在音乐方面有着接触天赋的音乐神童,通过音乐,三人建立起了密不可分的友谊。战争在毫无预警的情况下开始了,德军攻陷了乌克兰,这让汉娜的处境变得十分尴尬和危险,在局势最为紧张的时刻,莱利萨说服了自己的家人,收留了汉娜全家,一行人才得以在炮火之中保全。

河上的旅馆 1


  A serial killer named The Shark is terrorizing London by killing his victims with a speargun and then, dressed in a scruba-diver's wetsuit, using the city's sewer tunnels to make his getaway. Inspector Wade of Scotland Yard is assigned to the case, and he begins to suspect that the Shark is tied in with a smuggling ring the authorities believe is run out of a dive on the Thames...

死亡终点站 9


  亨瑞(哥德昂·布克哈德 Gedeon Burkhard 饰)和他的太太露丝(西贝尔·凯基莉 Sibel Kekilli 饰)以及他们的两个孩子也在其中,巨大的压力和痛苦之中,露丝亲手杀死了自己的孩子。珠宝修理员艾伯特(Roman Roth 饰)和老板的女儿相恋已久,他们决定只要能够活着走下火车,就举行结婚仪式。时间一分一秒的前进着,火车离最后的死亡终点站越来越近。