"帕特里克·莱比奥托" 共找到影视: 19 部
执法悍将第十季 7


  • 已更新至22集
  • 2004  

  The cases of Harmon Rabb, former Navy fighter pilot, and his fellow lawyers of the US Navy's Judge Advocate General's office.

执法悍将第九季 8


  • 已更新至23集
  • 2003  

  The cases of Harmon Rabb, former Navy fighter pilot, and his fellow lawyers of the US Navy's Judge Advocate General's office.

执法悍将第四季 6


  • 已更新至24集
  • 1998  

  The cases of Harmon Rabb, former Navy fighter pilot, and his fellow lawyers of the US Navy's Judge Advocate General's office.

执法悍将第七季 2


  • 已更新至24集
  • 2001  

  The cases of Harmon Rabb, former Navy fighter pilot, and his fellow lawyers of the US Navy's Judge Advocate General's office.

执法悍将第八季 2


  • 已更新至24集
  • 2002  

  The cases of Harmon Rabb, former Navy fighter pilot, and his fellow lawyers of the US Navy's Judge Advocate General's office.

执法悍将第五季 10


  • 已更新至25集
  • 1999  

  The cases of Harmon Rabb, former Navy fighter pilot, and his fellow lawyers of the US Navy's Judge Advocate General's office.

执法悍将第六季 9


  • 已更新至24集
  • 2000  

  The cases of Harmon Rabb, former Navy fighter pilot, and his fellow lawyers of the US Navy's Judge Advocate General's office.

执法悍将第三季 4


  • 已更新至24集
  • 1997  

  The cases of Harmon Rabb, former Navy fighter pilot, and his fellow lawyers of the US Navy's Judge Advocate General's office.

出租小精灵 2


  Ava, an entrepreneur, and single dad, Liam meet when he hires her holiday event planning business. She thinks there may be a future for the two of them and his young son, Nathan. That is, until Liam's ex-wife comes back hoping to reclaim her lost love.

HollywoodPalms 9


肯尼迪--失落的英雄 10


  乔(Joe kennedy)(Peter Strauss)作为家里的长子,父亲对他寄予厚望,即将奔赴训练基地时父亲希望他成为最优秀的海军飞行员。他觉得只有政治才是他们这样出身的人出人头地的舞台。在军队里,他爱上了瓦尼萨,但是他的父母却因为宗教的原因反对他们。弟弟jack (John kennedy)提早升为少尉并立下军功。而他虽然成功地在敌人上空执行任务达70余次,却没有发现任何敌方潜水艇的踪迹,因而与立功无缘。瓦尼萨极力说服他,并不是每个人都能成为英雄的。但是萦绕在他心中的英雄情结驱使他在准备返回家园时又请缨执行一项秘密任务。他是家里的大哥哥,他必须做出榜样。这是一次有去无回的任务,要捣毁号称“铁砧"的敌方飞弹发射基地。作为特别行动小组的一员,他终于成了英雄,却与他所爱的人和所有爱他的人永别了

菜鸟老爹第一季 4


  • 已更新至20集
  • 2012  

  David Hobbs has been America's favorite Dad for the past 10 years, but that is all coming to an end. As David says goodbye to his life of sitcom T.V., reality awaits him at home with his wife and three kids. When the stay-at-home parent roles switch, David must learn the ins and outs of being a house-dad, while his wife Amy returns to the big screen. Suddenly, looking after thr...

执法悍将第二季 1


  • 已更新至15集
  • 1997  

执法悍将第一季 10


  • 已更新至22集
  • 1995  


2012:冰河时期 10


  2012年的一天,位于格陵兰附近的海克拉火山爆发,这次毁灭性的喷发炸断了冰川架,一块庞大的冰川借着惯性以极快的速度向美国袭来。居住在美国缅因州的气象学家比尔·哈特(Patrick Labyorteaux 饰)正载着儿子内尔森(Nick Afanasiev 饰)一起送女儿朱莉娅(Katie Wilson 饰)乘飞机前往纽约。在路上他从格陵兰科考队的朋友那里得知冰川炸裂的消息,于是试图带着儿子和妻子特丽(Julie McCullough 饰)离开冰川必然路过的缅因。