"弗兰克·摩根" 共找到影视: 20 部
SecretsoftheFrenchPolice 6


雪山奇遇 8


四海为家 2


重聚维也纳 7


  An archduke who had been banished from Austria returns to Vienna for a reunion of his old fellow aristocrats and meets up with the former love of his life, who is now married to a psychoanalyst.

醉人四月天 6


三弦琴 3


  Prince Peter Karagin, an officer in the Cossack army, sees and hears lovely Lydia Marakova in the cafe Balalaika in St. Petersburg and wants to meet her. When he hears she likes to fraternize with a lower class of people, he gives a student 50 rubles for his clothing. She eventually accepts his persistant presence and they fall in love. Peter uses his influence to get Lydia an ...

跳舞的海盗 5


  In 1820, Jonathan Pride (Collins), a chance teacher from Boston, decides to book passage on a ship to go visit his relatives. However, he is soon kidnapped by a gang of pirates and force to work in the galley. When the pirate ship docks in the port of Las Palamos, Jonathan manages to steal clothes from one of the pirates and escapes. However, everyone in Las Palamos, including ...

乞丐的赞美 6


好心的仙女 4


  Young, naive Luisa Ginglebusher, who loves fairy tales, leaves the Budapest orphanage to become a movie usherette. Soon she befriends paternal waiter Detlaff and not so paternal Konrad, a meat-packing millionaire. Uninterested in Konrad's rich gifts, Luisa schemes to be a "good fairy" and divert some of this wealth to poor stranger Dr. Sporum. But it's not that simple...

笑声 3


  Peggy is a Follies dancer who forsakes her life of carefree attachments in order to meet her goal of marrying a millionaire. Alas, her elderly husband, broker C. Morton Gibson, is a well-meaning bore, and soon Peggy begins seeking entertainment elsewhere.
  A year after their marriage, three significant events occur almost simultaneously. Peggy's former boyfriend, Paul Lockridge,...

猫和提琴 2


萨拉托加 3


  Carol Clayton is the daughter of a horse breeder at Saratoga. Though engaged to wealthy Hartley Madison, and disgusted by bookie Duke Bradley, her father owes Bradley a lot of money and Bradley takes a shine to her.

东风海棠 7


  Kay, a bored society girl from New York, takes a trip to Greece, where she meets Terry, an archaeologist. She flirts with him and he falls for her. She heads back to New York and he follows her to propose marriage, but finds her lifestyle uncomfortable. He decides to leave, but Mrs. Gage, Kay's grandmother, encourages him to stay. Kay and Terry become engaged, but just before t...

白色货物 4


  数百英里内仅有的四个白人急切地等待着河船 刚果女王的到来。威尔伯·阿什利(布拉姆威尔·弗莱彻饰)和他的老板哈里·威策尔(沃尔特·皮金饰)越来越讨厌对方。阿什利终于要回家了,船也带来了他的替代者兰福德(理查德卡尔森),为期四年。另外两个白人是酗酒医生(弗兰克摩根)和传教士罗伯茨博士(亨利奥尼尔)。
  哈利和兰福德的开局很糟糕,从那里开始走下坡路。医生和罗伯茨竭尽全力让这两个人远离彼此的喉咙。当诱人的土生土长的女人 Tondelayo ( Hedy Lamarr )回来时,情况变得更糟。哈利作为常驻地方法官,之前已经命令她离开他的地区,作为一种破坏性的、不道德的影响。
  Tondelayo 开始在 Lan...

人间喜剧 8
