"弗朗西斯科·帕迭尔诺" 共找到影视: 8 部
Camorra 4


  When the Camorra crime syndicate emerged from the Neapolitan slums, both locals and authorities welcomed its violent reign of terror. The former—because they felt abandoned and neglected, and the latter—because they felt relieved of the burden of caring for the poverty-stricken city.
  A sophisticated tapestry of never-before-screened archive footage tells the story of the Camorr...

ImprovvisamenteNatale 8



Svegliamiamezzanotte 10


  A young woman, who has recently become a mother, decides to take her own life by throwing herself from the top floor of a building. Why did she do it We do not know. And maybe, at that moment, she doesn't even know it. But that ******* attempt was unsuccessful and today, that young woman, wants to understand. Fuani Marino decides to use the tools of literature to reconstruct a...

ImprovvisamenteaNatalemisposo 8


Lacura 4


  The story of Albert Camus’ La Peste, originally set in Algeria in 1947, moves to Naples in the present day. During the hardest days of the lockdown, a film crew shoots a film adapted from Camus’ La Peste.
  The reality of the actors’ lives alternates with the fiction of theactors who play the characters: the two narrative levels gradually come together.
  Corso Umberto, R...

一点都不错的人 2


  Umberto è un avvocato milanese cinico e senza scrupoli nel licenziare i collaboratori del proprio studio legale finché non sarà lui stesso a essere invitato a lasciare lo studio associato.Intanto i due figli gli danno problemi e la moglie gli comunica di essere nuovamente incinta.A una festa conosce il principe del foro: l'avvocato italiano più famoso e temuto, il quale gli chi...

另一个世界的事物 6



歌姬 3


  The moving life and international career of actress Valentina Cortese is acted out by eight Italian actresses who interpret parts of her biography. A rich assortment of stock footage and film clips creates a vibrant portrait of our Diva.