"彭尼贝克" 共找到影视: 27 部
杰瑞·李·刘易斯:摇滚故事 7


  A biography of pioneering rock-and-roller Jerry Lee Lewis, with clips from his past concerts, television and movie appearances together with footage from his present-day career.

TwoAmericanAudiences:LaChinoise-AFilmintheMaking 8


  "Announcing itself as “a typical Pennebaker production of a typical Godard visit,” JLG speaks with grad students and Serge Losique at NYU in April 1968. Pennebaker: “When Jean-Luc Godard came to New York to make a film [1 A.M./1 P.M.] with me and Ricky Leacock, he was anxious to see America before the revolution broke out, torn up as it was with the Vietnam furor. Godard’s most...

DavidBowie:ZiggyStardust 4


  A promotional video for David Bowie's 1973 single "Ziggy Stardust."

DavidBowie:Changes(Live) 7


美国名导短片集 6


  01 The Lunch Date - Adam Davidson
  02 Five Feet High And Rising - Peter Sollett
  03 Freiheit - George Lucas
  04 Daybreaker Express - D.A Pennebaker
  05 Vincent - Tim Burton ...

血腥市政厅 3


  The infamously macho American author shares a 1971 New York City panel with a group of famous feminists and responds as well to a lively critique from other intellectual women in the audience, in this time capsule of what a sophisticated political and literary public discussion was like in the early days of Women's Liberation.

奥蒂斯震撼蒙特雷音乐节 2


大卫鲍伊MV精选集 2


  Oh! You Pretty Things (from Old Grey Whistle Test),
  Queen Bitch (from OGWT),
  Five Years (from OGWT),
  Starman (from Top of the Pops), John I\'m Only Dancing,
  The Jean Genie,
  Space Oddity,
  Drive-in Saturday (from Russell Harry Plus Pop),
  Life on Mars,
  Ziggy Stardust (from the motion picture),
  Rebel Rebel (from TopPop),
  Young Americans (from the Dick Cavett Show),
  Be My Wife, \"H...

肯尼迪的一天 6


黎明印象 10


  一部纽约的风情片,地铁沿线的都市风景随着艾灵顿公爵(Duke Ellington)的爵士乐律动起来,展现出别样的魅力。
  本片经常被看作真理电影(cinéma-vérité)的先驱,导演D.A. Pennebaker受美国画家约翰斯隆(John Sloan)作品的影响,决心拿起摄像机拍下纽约地铁沿线的风光。当年的Pennebaker还是一个门外汉,他不懂得剪辑和拍摄,只知道一边放音乐一边拍下他所认为恰如其分的画面。整个拍摄过程花费三天时间,素材随后被锁入柜中,等到多年后Pennebaker真正懂得剪辑时影片才最终完成。

一部美国电影 5


  Godard undertook a collaborative project with the U.S. filmmakers Richard Leacock and D.A. Pennebaker in October of 1968. Provisionally entitled One A.M., or "One American Movie", the project was to be shot in the United States, but never reached completion under Godard's direction. Pennebaker and Leacock continued with the project under the title One P.M. [1972], or 'One Paral...

吉米玩转蒙特雷音乐节 4


  Still one of the most famous rock festivals of all time, Monterey Pop brought together much of the music that was striking chords with young people all over America- some of the talent that had been obscure or small time in the US (Otis Redding and Jimi Hendrix), while others were huge smash bands (The Who, Simon & Garfunkel, Mamas and the Papas), not to mention a breakthrough ...

蒙特雷流行音乐节 2


  Legendary California music festival (pre-Woodstock) that launched the state-side careers of several performers, most notably Jimi Hendrix. Check out Mama Cass being absolutely blown away while watching Joplin sing. Here there be REAL acid rock.

战略室 6

