"文斯·麦马汉" 共找到影视: 52 部
WWE:皇家大战2016 9


  • 最新更新
  • 2016  

  A yearly event in which WWE wrestlers fight and try to throw each other out of the ring. The last wrestler goes to Wrestlemania.
  WWE's annual PPV featuring the iconic 30-man Royal Rumble match. This time, the stakes couldn't be higher as 30 superstars not only are vying for a guaranteed spot in the main event at Wrestlemania 32 in Dallas, Texas, but will also walk out as WWE Wo...

WWE:McMahon 4


  • 最新更新
  • 2006  

  Vince McMahon(文斯麦克马汉),美国甚至世界摔角界都响当当的名字。他从父亲手中继承摔角组织WWWF,并将其改名WWF,通过几十年的经营和打拼使其从NWA麾下的一个次级联盟一跃成为全世界摔角界中的翘楚。他绝非一个天才,但绝对是个奇思妙想不断且善于抓住每一次机会的成功商人。几十年中,McMahon家族所率领的WWF先后推出Hulk Hogan、Bret Hart、Shawn Michaels、The Rock、Stone Cold Steve Austin、Undertaker、Triple H等重量级明星,并先后打败兼并了WCW和ECW两个主要竞争对手。
  只要能提高收视率,无论怎样都可以,Vince McMahon甚至不惜脱去衣衫与职业摔角手们进行一场场残酷而精彩的对决。

AmericanNightmare:BecomingCodyRhodes 8


  Documentary following the career of professional wrestler Cody Rhodes, from leaving the WWE to his eventual return to WrestleMania and his journey chasing the WWE championship - a feat his father, Dusty, never accomplished.

HoganKnowsBest 5


  • 最新更新
  • 2005  

  TV cameras follow the days of professional wrestler Hulk Hogan and his family. His family includes his wife Linda, his daughter Brooke Hogan and his son, Nick Hogan, who usually pull pranks on his family or others.

MTV'sWWFToughEnough 8


  sonychen 注

WWETributetotheTroops 10


  • 最新更新
  • 2014  

TheBestofRaw:15thAnniversary 5


  1993年WWE周赛栏目RAW IS WAR正式开播,15年来经历风风雨雨,吸引世界各地万千观众,无数巨星亦从RAW中冉冉升起:Bret Hart、Shawn Michaels、HHH、Stone Cold、The Rock、Undertaker、Kurt Angle、Randy Orton、Batista……可以说RAW 15年的发展史就是一部巨星成长的编年史。
  本片带领观众回顾了15年来发生的精彩瞬间和重大时刻:首次开播、ECW入侵、Stone Cold和Hart Foundation、Rock的对抗、DX、筹军、对手WCW和ECW的解体与合并、三大联盟混战……540分钟为WWE RAW做了一次最为系统且真挚的回顾。