"斯维特拉娜·扬切娃" 共找到影视: 5 部
患者助理 1


  In an attempt to help two of his patients, the psychiatrist Paskalev sets up their encounter. A young boy, hospitalized after his second ******* attempt and a woman, who has just been told that her illness is terminal, meet in the hospital lift. What could happen in the narrow space for the few minutes lift travel from eight to first floor May be nothing. But may be the infini...

白色狂想曲 7


  This is a story about a woman, but not completely a woman, because she is funny and plump, because she is a comedienne and being a female comedienne is very difficult work. During the whole time, the comedienne gets in the way of the woman and the woman # in the way of the comedienne. In fact, nothing in the life of this woman is 'completely'. She is an actress, but not complet...

上帝下凡来看我 1


  Kesten is a picturesque village on the border between Bulgaria, Turkey and Greece. A French sociologist named Franois Denis comes to the village to study the risk of ethnic conflict in this part of the Balkans. He finds out that in a place situated only 100 kilometers from Kosovo there are Muslims and Christians capable of living in peace just as they have for hundreds of year...

黑煞星暴走罪恶城 5


  莫斯在保加利亚社 会主义政党掌权前的1944年被错判入狱,等到他离开监狱的时候,已经是60年代了,当他回到首都索菲亚的时候,发现一切都与从前不同了,他决定以一段冒险开始自己的新生活。

索佐波尔沉没 7

