"本杰明·维库纳" 共找到影视: 18 部
Sitiados:Laotracaradelaconquista 4


  • 已更新至8集
  • 2015  

QuatremaresSeason1 4


  • 已更新至13集
  • 2018  

  The opponents of a dictatorship find refuge in "Quatremares", an asylum where its cruel director passes themselves off as mentally ill.

亲情营救 1



我最心爱的伊内斯 1


  • 已更新至8集
  • 2020  


逃犯们 9


  • 已更新至13集
  • 2013  

不及格 6


  讨人厌的漫画迷Roberto Rodriguez为了争夺刚来自马德里的火辣女孩Cristina的芳心,开始挑战自己下贱的自尊、失败的朋友和邪恶的高中恶霸。

Matria 8


基佬大厨 10


  马西(加维埃尔·卡马拉 Javier Cámara 饰)是在马德里经营餐厅的基佬大厨,他毕生都渴望获得米其林美食评审的肯定。眼看这一天即将临近,但前妻的意外去世将一切打乱。两个古灵精怪的孩子住了进来,隔壁搬来一位对他频频放电的金发足球明星,无端端被拉入一段三人感情关系,加上员工隔三岔五的出状况......所有人好像齐约好似的,将他折磨得分身乏术。他能否鱼和熊掌兼得,既拿到梦寐以求的米其林之星,又赢得帅哥芳心和孩子们的爱呢?

赋格曲 7


  Pablo Larrain's sleek debut feature, screened at the Montreal World Film Festival earlier this fall, is "a musical opus of death and immortality. Prodigious Eliseo Montalbán (Benjamín Vicua) composes a symphony based on the notes struck by the lifeless hand of his sister [when she] was murdered atop a piano. But when his female pianist dies during the work's first performance,...

TheMysteryofCasaMatusitaII:TheFiveGuests 9


  When grunge punk UCLA history major, Kate Jensen researches her great-grandfather's descent into hysteria at Lima Peru's infamous "Casa Matusita", she unwittingly starts a dangerous journey of discovery. En route, she meets former priest, Father Robert who has his own agenda with the alleged cursed property. Together, they embark on a trek through time, unravelling the truth an...

越狱协议 6


  • 已完结
  • 2020  

  1990年1月29日晚上,智利民主过渡时期开始前不久,数十名政治犯从圣地亚哥的监狱中逃脱,24名激进分子途经曼努埃尔·罗德里格斯爱国阵线时,花了18个月的时间挖一个隧道。他们用勺子,叉子和一把螺丝刀,足足挖了80多米长,并将55吨泥垢藏在监狱中。 无论是附近牢房里的普通囚犯,还是每天看守监狱的狱警,都没有发现这49名囚犯的计划——这是智利犯罪史上最令人惊讶和壮观的越狱事件之一。

换汇者 2


  Spanning the fifties to the seventies, the film follows Humberto as he gets increasingly in over his head with multiple shady book-cooking schemes throughout South America, leading to an ultimate life-or-death decision.

道森10号岛 5


  After the military coup in 1973, deposed President Salvador Allende's closest collaborators and ministers were locked up in a concentration camp on Dawson Island, lying at the western entrance to the Straights of Magellan (nicknamed the "Chilean Guantanamo Bay"). To cancel traces of their identities, they are assigned numbers instead of names. Their lives are spared thanks to p...

戏剧 2


  金发的双性恋Mateo,性感的Maria,以及内心充满冲突的同性恋Angel。在现实生活中各种体验是他们寻找自我的手段。 金发的双性恋Mateo,性感的Maria,以及内心充满冲突的同性恋Angel。在现实生活中各种体验是他们寻找自我的手段。

受苦者 8


  Pablo Rouviot is a renowned psychoanalyst. His life changes completely when Paula arrives to his office and asks him to prove that his brother, a man with serious psychological problems and accused for the murder of his father, is in not able condition to be jugded.