"朱塞佩·托纳多雷" 共找到影视: 27 部
DanteFerretti:Scenografoitaliano 4


  The Documentary "Dante Ferretti - Production Designer" retraces the life and the career of Dante Ferretti, the famous Italian Artist and Production Designer, who won two Academy Awards (The "Aviator" by Martin Scorsese and "Sweeny Todd" by Tim Burton) and BAFTA. Here we detail Dante's life, from the origin of his career in Macerata, to his arrival in Cinecittà and finally his i...

TheKingofPaparazzi-Laverastoria 2


  At the age of 14, in the early 1950s, Barillari leaves his native village Limbadi in the southern region to Calabria heading to Roma. Young Barillari reaches Italy's capital and is immediately fascinated by actors and how big the city is. His adventurous life begins. He will first take on minor jobs trying to survive but something happens when he chances on the so called 'scatt...

David60-Ierioggidomani 2


  Sixty years of the David di Donatello awards represent a long history of successes, of famous actors and award-winning directors, of box-office hits and author films that have distinguished the history and identity of Italian cinema. A journey into Italian filmmaking creativity.

最后的嘉多帕多 9


  Il lungometraggio ricorda la vita e il lavoro del produttore cinematografico Goffredo Lombardo, figlio dell'attrice Leda Gys. Contiene l'inserto scelto di sequenze di numerosi film prodotti dalla sua casa di produzione Titanus.
  Oltre alla segretaria, Cesarina Marchetti, vengono intervistati i registi: Mario Monicelli, Ettore Scola, Francesco Rosi, Ermanno Olmi, Lina Wertm...

恩里科·卢切里尼:是我做的,那又怎样 4


  The life and career of the first and most prominent publicist in Italy: from Ben Hur to La Dolce Vita, from Sophia Loren to Luchino Visconti, Enrico Lucherini is the most important icon of Italian cinema industry golden age.

五个世界 3


  The 5 Italian Oscar winner directors tell how they are involved in the art of cinematography. They open their memories treasure to the public and make us understanding their imaginary

音魂掠影 9


  由著名导演朱塞佩·托纳多雷编剧并执导,吉亚尼·罗素、王家卫等人任监制,聚焦意大利音乐大师埃尼奥·莫里康内的传记电影。影片历时5年,横跨欧美进行拍摄,将以叙事手法呈现世界级音乐大师莫里康内70多年职业生涯 中鲜为人知的一面,探寻他在世界领域内与著名好友、同事之间的故事。

费里尼的魔法 3


  Carmen Piccini's delightful documentary "The Magic of Fellini" was shown recently on the Sundance channel. It was a complete surprise because of its subject, Federico Fellini, who was one of the best directors of Italy of the last century, one would think needed no explanation about what made him one of the most admired figures of the Italian cinema. Ms. Piccini explores the ma...

马赛洛:甜蜜的生活 2



FrancoCristaldieilsuocinemaParadiso 3


  Starting in the 50s, miles and miles of film reels testify to Franco Cristaldi's passion and commitment to producing the best Italian and European cinema over the course of his career. Repeatedly honored with the most prestigious international awards at Cannes, Venice, and Hollywood, Cristaldi had a saying: "Every film must be a prototype."

ArmaniPrivé-Aviewbeyond 2


TuttelestoriediPiera 1


带上她的眼睛 1



德龄公主 2

