"汤姆·布罗考" 共找到影视: 17 部
Loudmouth 5


  He’s been called a con man, a charlatan, a race-baiting rabble-rouser, and a whole lot more, but who is the Reverend Al Sharpton really and how did he become one of the most controversial Civil Rights activists of the modern era Loudmouth cuts through the clichés and assumptions surrounding the track-suit-wearing crusader to investigate the roots of his political engagement an...

DaveGrusin:NotEnoughTime 10


  Millions of people all over the world love the music of Dave Grusin but most do not realize the full extent of his extraordinary career.

WeAreColumbine 10


  纪录片《We Are Columbine》讲述了四名新生的故事,他们于1999年在科伦拜高中经历了美国历史上最致命的校园枪击事件之一。导演劳拉·法伯(Laura Farber)在枪击事件中也是一名大一新生,她敏锐地捕捉到了同学们在这所学校史无前例的亲身经历中深刻的个人和独特的观点,揭示了悲剧发生近20年后,年轻时遭受暴力和损失影响的生活的复杂性。

农工,农民,渔夫 6


  Out on America's vast working landscapes - the ranches of the Mountain west, the farmlands of the Great Plains, the waterways of the Mississippi Delta - a huge, largely hidden, and entirely unexpected movement is being born. Tens of thousands of heartland conservationists are leading some of the most consequential work in the nation to restore America's forests, grasslands, wil...

美国大师系列之伍迪·艾伦第二十五季 2


  • 已更新至7集
  • 2011  

  一转眼,伍迪艾伦(Woody Allen)这个老头已经陪伴我们度过了数十个年头,从黑发到白发,从壮年到老年,我们作为观众,几乎可以说是在电影里目睹了伍迪艾伦的整个后半生。从最初的无厘头喜剧《傻瓜入狱记》到最新的爱情小品《爱在罗马》,伍迪艾伦在电影中完成了对人生和爱情的讨论和探究。

美利坚:我们的故事 10


  • 已更新至12集
  • 2010  

  美国:我们的故事 01 反抗者   美国:我们的故事 02 革命   美国:我们的故事 03 西进   美国:我们的故事 04 分裂   美国:我们的故事 05 内战   美国:我们的故事 06 腹地   美国:我们的故事 07 城市   美国:我们的故事 08 繁荣   美国:我们的故事 09 萧条   美国:我们的故事 10 二战   美国:我们的故事 11 超级大国   美国:我们的故事 12 黄金时代

BlackArt:IntheAbsenceofLight 6


  • 最新更新
  • 2021  

  An in-depth look at the works of up-and-coming Black visual artists.

今日播报 7


  • 最新更新
  • 1952  

  美国收视率最高的每日早间新闻!- NBC

资本主义:一个爱情故事 6


  按照资本主义的理想化定义,在该社会体制下生活的人民可以自由自在的选择工作,并获得相应的报酬。但现实究竟如何?2008年金融风暴席卷全球之际,美国的土地上无数人因为丧失赎回权而被银行赶出家园;有的商人则与司法系统勾结兴建感化院,通过监禁犯错的少年大殓其财;还有的企业偷偷为员工投保,并待其死后赚其巨额赔偿金;而当成千上万的工人失业之际,华尔街的银行则向**请求高达7000亿美元的救济金,这笔钱的最终走向却无人得知。纪录片导演迈克·摩尔(Michael Moore)再次拿起摄像机,试图揭穿政客和商人剥削民众、暴敛钱财的真实嘴脸……

琼·狄迪恩:中心难再维系 6


  Griffin Dunne’s years-in-the-making documentary portrait of his aunt Joan Didion moves with the spirit of her uncannily lucid writing: the film simultaneously expands and zeroes in, covering a vast stretch of turbulent cultural history with elegance and candor, and grounded in the illuminating presence and words of Didion herself. This is most certainly a film about loss—the lo...

川普是怎样炼成的 1


  As every day of Donald Trump's presidential campaign seemingly generates new headlines, this two-hour special examines the increasingly polarizing candidate's past. Included is rarely seen footage from Trump's interviews with Phil Donahue and his comments about politics from the floor of the 1988 Republican convention. Additionally, celebrities, politicians, and people describe...

赫布洛克:黑与白 7


BrokawReports:58Days 9


1968withTomBrokaw 6


  In 1968, the fury and violence of the Democratic National Convention in Chicago propelled us toward a tipping point in politics. Martin Luther King Jr. and Robert F. Kennedy were assassinated, America suffered its bloodiest year in Vietnam and drugs seduced us. Yet idealism--and hope--flourished. Explore the significance of that turbulent year and the way it continues to affect...