"洛珊·班尼蒂玛" 共找到影视: 10 部
RavayateShakhsi 4


  The emergence of the Coronavirus disease in late 2019 and its rapid spread throughout the world in 2020 made an indelible impact upon countless lives, transforming so many in a multitude of ways. This profoundly personal narrative details the efforts of a documentary filmmaker to portray the lives of six characters in quarantine and how it affects them. There is also the filmma...

伊朗电影起革命 1


  Today Iranian cinema is one of the most highly regarded national cinemas in the world, regularly winning festival awards and critical acclaim for films which combine remarkable artistry and social relevance. Iran: A Cinematographic Revolution traces the development of this film industry, which has always been closely intertwined with the country's t...

五月夫人 6


Baran-O-Bumi 1


  • 译名:
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KharejazMahdudeh 5


āyādamha 6


  A compassionate portrait of the Chain of Hope charity organisation, which treats underprivileged children from all over Iran.
  Rakhshān Banietemad’s profoundly humane film documents the work of volunteer Iranian and French doctors, specialising in the branches of cardiac, orthopaedic and rehabilitation treatment for underprivileged infants and children. Capturing the medics at w...

烂心城市 9


  Tuba works daily at a grueling textile factory in Iran, returning home every night to deal with the rest of her problematic family, which includes: a pregnant daughter whose husband beats her regularly; a teenage son, who's been getting into trouble due to his burgeoning career in radical politics; and an older son who goes to great lengths--such as attempting to sell the famil...

蓝色面纱 6



故事 7


  七个人,一种武器,七个故事。纪录片导演找上的士司 机,拍摄腐败资本主义如何磨蚀人性。司机重遇沦为妓 女的儿时玩伴,还未从淡淡神伤过转,母亲已越过他走 进她的烦恼。由此及彼,彼是相生,角色不断接棒,叙 事的结构并不新奇,引人入胜是:愈平凡况味,愈耐人 细嚼。洛珊班尼蒂玛(《一纱之隔》、《烂心城市》,20、 26届)磨剑八年,剧情新片中注入前作依稀可辨的角色, 增加文本层次之余,更不断强化批判不义建制的力度。 威尼斯影展摘下最佳编剧奖,实至名归。

吉拉妮 6

