"杰夫·高布伦" 共找到影视: 92 部
拉文与雪莉 9


  • 最新更新
  • 1976  


辛普森一家第七季 9


  • 已更新至25集
  • 1995  

  FOX迄今为止最成功的电视连续剧。该剧最初是The Tracey Ullman Show的副产品,作为它的一分钟补白。 The Tracy Ullman Show的执行制片人,James L. Brooks 和 Sam Simon觉得这些人物可以做成一个半小时的电视剧,于是他们立刻动手,开始了这部在电视台黄金时间段,历时最久的卡通系列剧。
  辛普森一家的频繁出场,让他们得到了广泛的认同,比如说,他们为Butterfinger Candy Bars做的大量商业广告。
  “辛普森一家”最早是FOX喜剧小品“The Tracey Ullman Show”中的一系列动画小品,该动画主要刻画了辛普森一家在Springfield的生活。辛普森家的家长,Homer,他不是传统意义上的“居家男人”。他作为家长,努力想领导他的没大没小的家庭成员,可经常情况是,他才是那个被...

《侏罗纪公园2》制作特辑 4


  This documentary treats film fans to a behind-the-scenes look at the making of Lost World, the sequel to the hit dinosaur movie Jurassic Park. Includes footage of the filming process, as well as interviews with director Steven Spielberg and other members of the cast and crew, who give their insights into what it was like working together on this project, and the efforts it took...

#NoJoke 3


  A musician's journey to create a song with some of the biggest stars in the industry. Along the way, he faces up to his painful past, while giving viewers a deep personal insight into the issue of bullying.

被恐龙称霸的日子 10


  When Dinosaurs Ruled uses enhanced 3-D animation to present lithe, agile dinosaurs that look more like a nature program than science fi ction. This Learning Channel series incorporates all the latest research into warm-bloodedness, skin coloration, kinetics, and social behaviors, not to mention newly discovered dinosaurs. The informati...

肉体的恐惧:变蝇人幕后制作 3


  We open with stories of one man's brilliant idea to remake the science fiction classic, _Fly, The (1958)_, into a whole new entity. The end result was David Cronenberg's _Fly, The (1986)_ that revolutionized the genre. Nearly every aspect of the filmmaking process is covered in this mammoth documentary, and in great detail. Sadly, the only thing missing here are some new interv...

生命的故事 9


  Life Story (known as The Race for the Double Helix or Double Helix in the U.S.) is a 1987 TV film dramatisation of the discovery of the structure of DNA in 1953. The film was directed by Mick Jackson for the BBC's Horizon science series and won several prizes including the 1988 BAFTA TV Award as the Best Single Drama.

一个我们称之为现实的地方 2


  A film director goes through an existential crisis after completing his debut feature film and is desperately trying to find meaning in Los Angeles.

我是道路和真理 7


  In this hectic farce, Louis Aubinard (Bob Hoskins) is at the bottom of every totem pole he's ever come near, a nebbish and unattractive man who makes a poor living as a photographer of religious tableaux. His sister doesn't respect him and deliberately cooks awful food just to makes his life more miserable. At work, he is in danger of losing his job if he can't find a suitable ...

匹茨堡 2


  Pittsburgh is a 2006 mockumentary comedy film that follows American actor Jeff Goldblum as he attempts to secure a green card for his Canadian actor/singer/dancer girlfriend Catherine Wreford by appearing with her as the leads in a summer regional theatre production of The Music Man in Goldblum's hometown of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. (wiki)

枪杀伊丽莎白 4


  Mineral water executive Harold Pigeon (Jeff Goldblum) decides to kill off his wife Elizabeth (Mimi Rogers). The plot follows a well worn path. Will he go through with it Will she walk out anyway Will he get arrested and tried for a crime he planned but might not have committed

他们射杀了钢琴师 5


  A fleeting time of creative freedom in Latin American history in the 1960s and 70s, before parts of the continent were engulfed by oppressive regimes.

父亲与儿子 10


  • 已完结
  • 1992  

  A failed, recluse director, Max, moves from New York City to a small seaside town after his wife's death. He struggles with his parental role over his son. Eddie, meanwhile, is becoming increasingly involved in the not-so-underground culture of drugs, promiscuous sex, and gang violence that lies there.
  The chasm between them seems to be growing despite Max's best efforts. Max j...

TenspeedandBrownShoe 2


选举风暴 9


  1996年初,三名共和党竞选人员秘密协助鲍里斯·叶利钦(Boris Yeltsin)连任。一到莫斯科,他们就发现他的支持率只有6%,而选举还有几个月就要开始了。当迪克·德累斯顿想要回家的时候,乔治·戈登和乔·舒马特却投票支持留下。首先,他们必须引起别人的注意;他们终于在叶利钦的女儿身上取得了成功。然后是轮询、焦点小组、信息和宣传。尽管叶利钦的人数在增加,但三人都不确定是谁雇佣了他们,也不确定叶利钦的盟友是否有不同于选举胜利的计划。当事情变得棘手时,戈顿就会对我们的赌注进行一番解释:民主和资本主义必须获胜。