"爱德嘉·莱兹" 共找到影视: 21 部
维也纳之旅 1


格雷戈尔夫妇-跟我来电影院吧 4



影院之外的电影:垃圾桶小孩和其他的乌托邦 6


  For over half a century, the filmmaker Edgar Reitz, one of the signatories of the Oberhausen Manifesto and a pioneer of epic film narration, has explored, as a practitioner and theoretician, the rules and limits of cinema, which he always seeks to break and extend in new ways. One example of his tireless search and research are the Geschichten vom Kübelkind, which he co-directe...

威尼斯70周年:重启未来 7


  因为今年是威尼斯电影节70周年华诞,陈可辛与贝托鲁奇、金基德、贾樟柯等全球知名导演,以“重启未来(Future Reload)”为题,拍摄了70部短片,向威尼斯电影节“祝寿”。28日当地时间22时,这70部短片正式播出。

导演之夜 4


  A series of interviews with living filmmakers about German film history.`Night of the filmmakers' (1994, 52 mins., English commentary) directed by Edgar Reitz, was produced for BFI TV by Edgar Reitz Filmproduktions in association with ZDF, Arte and Premiere. Brings together an imaginary assembly of German filmmakers to explore German cinema of all periods. Contributors include ...

交流 4


  An industry film for the West German Post Office. The use of the latest communications technology to link up the world. A technophile ballet in the mysterious world of relays, very high frequency channels and decimeter bridges.

金色的东西 2


  Das Goldene Ding is a 1972 made for TV film, released in West Germany, which follows in much detail the Greek myth of Jason. It’s the retelling of the legend using a new and unique approach to filmmaking and storytelling for its time. The film directors used a variety of color nuances, mostly to distinguish between various social classes or set a mood for the scenes. A mixture...

垃圾桶小孩的故事 10


  Dumpster Kid Menu
  1) Old Men
  If Dumpster Kid wants to, she can make some men end up standing around in their ...

餐桌时光 3


  Das Spielfilmdebüt von Edgar Reitz erzhlt von der Fotografin Elisabeth und dem Medizinstudent Paul – sie begegnen sich, heiraten, bekommen das erste Kind. Krisen bahnen sich an, dennoch kommt ein Kind nach dem anderen zur Welt.
  Paul gibt sein Studium auf, verschwindet auf der Suche nach sich selbst, kehrt wieder zurück. Noch ein Kind wird geboren, doch die Probleme der beiden ...

凯迪拉克 10


HinterderLeinwand 5


  • 已更新至4集
  • 1961  

  Das vom Hessischen Rundfunk produzierte Filmmagazin berichtete über Dreharbeiten zu aktuellen Filmen und Proben zu Bühnenproduktionen und zeigte Interviews mit Stars und Machern.

Wirgehenwohnen 5


WirplaneneinPicnic 1
