"玛尼亚·艾巴利" 共找到影视: 5 部
Chetorjoratakardiinarezooiemozakhrafrabekoni 5


  Prominent filmmaker, artist and actress Mania Akbari reclaims her body—and that of all the other women in Iranian film. Using almost a hundred excerpts spanning Iran's film history, from the silent era to just after the Islamic Revolution—films that have all since been banned—she tells a story of liberation, exploitation, emancipation and ultimately oppression.
  Dancing women, w...

十段生命的共振 10


  名副其實的大師班,基阿魯斯達米開壇教你如何拍電影。由頭到尾坐在越野車駕駛座自拍的真人 show,但鏡頭絕不單調,因為車子背後不斷變換著《櫻桃的滋味》的場景。畫面沒動過剪刀,只見他滔滔不絕講那十課電影:攝影、主題、劇本、演員、音樂......

AzTehranBeLondon 2


  It is a story about a couple by the name of Ava and Ashkan who live in a beautiful house located in the outskirts of the city with their caretaker couple, Maryam and Rahim.

十段生命的律动 4


  伊朗著名导演阿巴斯在这部作品中,将轻便摄像机安放于出租车前的固定位置,记录下了一位女出租车司机(Mania Akbari 饰)同五名乘客的十段对话:女司机的十岁儿子亚明(Amin Maher 饰)始终不能坦然面对父母的离异,女司机试图和儿子解释,但得到的是强烈的排斥,儿子一再要求与父亲生活;女司机的好友忙于工作,疏于对孩子的照顾,不久又为失恋而神伤;一名老妇在失去了丈夫与儿子后,变成了虔诚的信徒,她时常朝圣、祷告,以换取内心的平静;一名醉酒的妓女在车上同女司机谈论男人,但是她们对生活和男人的看法,都有太大的出入;一名即将结婚的女子却发现一切幸福的前景都只是自己的幻想,她伤心欲绝,剃掉了头发……

Libido 7


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